SI Caught Using AI – IOTW Report

SI Caught Using AI


Sports Illustrated is under fire for allegedly for publishing articles authored by fictitious, AI-generated writers. The articles were written by authors with AI-generated headshots and no real-life footprint beyond their articles in SI. When contacted about the suspicious articles, the publication removed them from their website.

Futurism reports that Sports Illustrated has been found using artificial intelligence to create content under fake author profiles. This approach involved inventing writer identities like Drew Ortiz and Sora Tanaka, complete with AI-generated headshots and generic biographies, but no real-life existence or prior publishing history. More

12 Comments on SI Caught Using AI

  1. I like the way the article couldn’t point to a flaw in the SI AI articles, but seamlessly jumps into a prior blunder made by Microsoft’s AI months earlier. It seems so disingenuous of coverage. I don’t see the problem with AI writing for SI. It’s their business. Let them sink or swim on it but DON’T expect them to apologize for it. That’s ridiculous.

  2. After watching Christian Mikkelsen’s hour-long con video without any mention of Copyrights and then asking for some $2,000 – $4,000 starter’s fee (with thousands in phony discounts), Buyer BEWARE!

    This guy has already covered the market with Amazon as his seller, and has already made many millions in repeating monthly passive income from royalties.

    One of his sites is: Christian
    His company is

  3. Additional:

    ALL his “books” are artificially made using AI sources (he never gives any information on that, supposedly, until paying your starter fee). All you do is simply think up a “subject” for the AI to write about. Then, you simply pay a ghost writer to make the book saleable, and then send it to Amazon for review and then sell on Amazon (if approved).

  4. Loved SI back in the day. I was a longtime subscriber, then about 15 years ago I had enough of their lefty political crap and I cancelled. I just wanted to read about sports…and ogle hot (real) chicks in swimsuits. You know, guy stuff. F*ckin’ libs ruin everything.


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