Sick of this $hit – IOTW Report

Sick of this $hit

Psaki then —

25 Comments on Sick of this $hit

  1. Are there any real authoritarian strongmen on the right that i can back for office. I want a real one next election. One that will make bureaucrats quake with fear at the thought of defying him.

    It was said last time that if you won’t accept trump, just wait till what comes next. I want next in the worst way. Franco or Pinochet would be fine.

  2. If this is Barky’s third term, i reckon we should be bracing for a fresh wave of jihadist attacks on American soil. Isn’t it weird how that shit all but dried up while Trump was President?

  3. MJA, somebody should ask Gingerbroad if the Russian are putting bounties on American troops in Afghanistan, or was that just a bullshit smear that was discarded after the stolen election.

  4. Thirdtwin
    “fresh wave of jihadist attacks on American soil”\
    We should probably expect a couple mass/school shootings as well, to promote the gun grab.

    Remember – When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.

  5. Pray everyday! It’s the one thing they can’t take away from us!! Pray for our country and those who believe in everything we stand for. Stay positive, have faith and believe!


    God Bless us all!

  6. I’m just reminiscing of 0bama and Hillary going after Qaddafi. Using the military to facilitate his assassination, leaving Libya to descend into civil war. Violating the War Power Act. Let’s see what kind of havoc Joe can raise.

  7. Woodrow Wilson got us into World War 1, FDR in World War 2 after the japs provoked us at Pearl Harbor, Harry Truman following the UN got us into Korea, Kennedy and LBJ in Vietnam, Jimma Carta gave us the Ayatollah in Iran after deposing the Shah because he was a bad guy and human rights violator. Democraps all. Reagan won the cold war with the help of Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul the 2nd who helped us to defeat tyranny in the Soviet Union by calling their bluff and standing up to them. Slick Willie wagged the dog and tried to start wars in the Balkans in the 90’s. And unfortunately Bush got us involved in the war on terror in the Middle East and we’re still there in Ashcanistan 20 years later. Barry exacerbated the mess in the Middle East by letting the Iranians and their terrorist allies to run roughshod over the area. And Trump did his damndest to end it and yet he’s portrayed as the bad guy for promoting peace with Israel. And now this, joey wants us to defend Burma, now known as Myanmar. Fuck him and the democraps for their never ending cycles of war upon war, we’re getting sick of this shit and have seen this movie before in Korea and Vietnam which we weren’t allowed to win because of democrap interference.


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