Sadly, no legacy media can be or should be trusted. But make no mistake, the dilemma of dishonest media has been with us from the very beginning of our country. Read newspaper opinion pieces about John Adams written by Jefferson supporters. It’s been ugly since the beginning.
She is a human turd!
Well, she’s brown so there’s that.
Proverbs 19:9 KJV
Sadly they believe their own lies because they must in order to not kill themselves because they could be wrong. it is the ultimate mental illness.
I’m surprised she’s still around.
She’d make a simply darling subject for a satanic ritual sacrifice.
They may as well save money by replacing that unqualified lying, dumb, dei hire with AI. Same result.
She’s a used toilet brush that don’t say shit even with a mouthful!
Lying is a big part of a press secretary’s job, it’s just that KJP is so bad at it.
If you all did not see the very end of President Trumps rally tonight go and watch it. You will not see anything like it.
Sure. They’re going to say, “Well, it was a different appropriation within the FEMA structure…”
No, it isn’t. It’s the taxpayer’s money any way you look at it.
It’s like saying, “No, honey. I didn’t buy another guitar using what was in our checking account. That was out of our savings account.”
^^^ “She’d make a simply darling subject for a satanic ritual sacrifice.”
that would be a suicide event, as she probably conducts ritual sacrifices already.
“Remember when the Obama White House was all abuzz with talk of witchcraft by first grandmother, 72-year-old Marian Robinson, who lived in the White House residence. A close friend of Michelle Obama said the president was furious at his mother-in-law after learning that she was practicing Santeria, an African spirit cult, in the White House. …”
I would really like to see the pinocchio vaccine or make pants on fire a real thing.
It would make debates a PPV event.
She used to be a black lesbian. Now she’s a fat, black lesbian
Her lying is proportional to the length of the worms growing out of her head.
All they have are lies.
And when one has nothing but lies, one lies.
It has probably convinced itself that it’s just putting some “spin” on the facts.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
The hideous truth is that narcissists / sociopaths / psychopaths have no interest in repentance, reform, truth or apologies. She (and all the rest) define themselves by, and their entire warped psycho-spiritual existence revolves around, the notion that they are superior, a separate caste, distinct from and above other human beings.
They know most of the media won’t call them on the lies so they just hope we forget or don’t check past videos.
I wonder if she drinks at night so she can forget?
At some point American’s will have had enough, I hope it’s soon.
Practicing for her next gig at one of the MSM.
“We have always been at war with Eastasia”
Couldn’t lie straight in bed.
She clearly has been packing on the calories.
I guess all the lying every day can stress a sycophant out.
Never, that’s when. They’re all on the same team…
Sadly, no legacy media can be or should be trusted. But make no mistake, the dilemma of dishonest media has been with us from the very beginning of our country. Read newspaper opinion pieces about John Adams written by Jefferson supporters. It’s been ugly since the beginning.
She is a human turd!
Well, she’s brown so there’s that.
Proverbs 19:9 KJV
Sadly they believe their own lies because they must in order to not kill themselves because they could be wrong. it is the ultimate mental illness.
I’m surprised she’s still around.
She’d make a simply darling subject for a satanic ritual sacrifice.
They may as well save money by replacing that unqualified lying, dumb, dei hire with AI. Same result.
She’s a used toilet brush that don’t say shit even with a mouthful!
Lying is a big part of a press secretary’s job, it’s just that KJP is so bad at it.
If you all did not see the very end of President Trumps rally tonight go and watch it. You will not see anything like it.
Sure. They’re going to say, “Well, it was a different appropriation within the FEMA structure…”
No, it isn’t. It’s the taxpayer’s money any way you look at it.
It’s like saying, “No, honey. I didn’t buy another guitar using what was in our checking account. That was out of our savings account.”
^^^ “She’d make a simply darling subject for a satanic ritual sacrifice.”
that would be a suicide event, as she probably conducts ritual sacrifices already.
“Remember when the Obama White House was all abuzz with talk of witchcraft by first grandmother, 72-year-old Marian Robinson, who lived in the White House residence. A close friend of Michelle Obama said the president was furious at his mother-in-law after learning that she was practicing Santeria, an African spirit cult, in the White House. …”
I would really like to see the pinocchio vaccine or make pants on fire a real thing.
It would make debates a PPV event.
She used to be a black lesbian. Now she’s a fat, black lesbian
Her lying is proportional to the length of the worms growing out of her head.
All they have are lies.
And when one has nothing but lies, one lies.
It has probably convinced itself that it’s just putting some “spin” on the facts.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
The hideous truth is that narcissists / sociopaths / psychopaths have no interest in repentance, reform, truth or apologies. She (and all the rest) define themselves by, and their entire warped psycho-spiritual existence revolves around, the notion that they are superior, a separate caste, distinct from and above other human beings.
They know most of the media won’t call them on the lies so they just hope we forget or don’t check past videos.
I wonder if she drinks at night so she can forget?
At some point American’s will have had enough, I hope it’s soon.
Practicing for her next gig at one of the MSM.
“We have always been at war with Eastasia”
Couldn’t lie straight in bed.
She clearly has been packing on the calories.
I guess all the lying every day can stress a sycophant out.