Sick Tissues – IOTW Report

Sick Tissues


An enterprising Dane named Oliver Niessen thinks he’s found a cure for the common cold: use already infected tissues. By exposing yourself to certain viruses, the thinking goes that your immune system will become strengthened and better able to fight them off the next time.

The tissues — which sell for $80 a box — come pre-crumbled to really hammer in the fact that they’ve already been used, tucked into sleek containers that look like they’re made out of white marble and not paper.

The appeal of using them, aside from the thrill of inhaling someone else’s germs and spending way too much money on something you could essentially grab for free out of a trash can, is that you can better control when and if you get sick. “We believe that when flu season comes around, you should be able to get sick on your terms,” Vaev’s website reads.


25 Comments on Sick Tissues

  1. Outdoorjohn DECEMBER 26, 2019 AT 2:47 PM
    “I s’pose there’s also some valid logic for used ass paper as well.’

    …I’ve heard that “Obama” and Buttgieg both enjoy re-purposing used toilet paper as a nose wipe, BUT they DO insist it come from the MEN’S room…

  2. Actually, there is a valid use for poop in certain treatments. A life threatening problem caused by Clostridium difficile causes serious diarrhea problems. A treatment that works is to transplant poop from a healthy person into the sick patient. Usually, but not always, they go through the Southern route. The healthy poop repopulates the guts with the right bacteria restoring the patient. Google fecal transplant.

  3. Eeew gross! A nurse friend of mine said if you want to get sick during cold and flu season just tightly grip a handrail on a staircase or escalator. Plenty of germs there to “boost your immune system.”

  4. Same concept as HOMEOPATHY but with actual diseases and sicknesses.

    Or you could just take a walk around San Fran & L.A. and save the $80.

    Google “The Amazing Randy on Homeopathy” on Youtube. He was a former magician who exposes Fraudsters and snake oil salespeople like Harry Houdini did decades ago.


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