Sick: “Tolerant” Leftists Hurl Racially Charged Comments at Fox News Contributor – IOTW Report

Sick: “Tolerant” Leftists Hurl Racially Charged Comments at Fox News Contributor

Ever-so-tolerant anti-Trump protesters made racially charged comments towards Fox News contributor Lawrence Jones at a New York City rally over the weekend.

Jones was covering the “Impeach Trump” rally in Lower Manhattan on Saturday when the incidents occurred, with one leftist telling him to go back to Fox News “where there’s more cotton for you to pick.”

Fox News reports:

According to a Fox News producer at the scene, two men walked up to Jones near the end of the rally and told him to go back to Fox News “where there’s more cotton for you to pick.”

The producer said he asked one of the men: “What did you just say?” When the man made the same comment, the producer asked if he “was really going to say that,” to which the man responded: “I sure am.”

…With Jones’ camera rolling, the man confronted by the producer, wearing a gray shirt, turned his back to the camera and made an obscene gesture. The second man, wearing a red shirt, told Jones: “He’ll tell you to go back to Kenya next.”

“You say what now?” Jones asked.

“He’ll tell you ‘go back to Kenya’ next,” the man in the red shirt said.

Jones appeared on Fox News’ Hannity last night where he discussed the rally. READ MORE

7 Comments on Sick: “Tolerant” Leftists Hurl Racially Charged Comments at Fox News Contributor

  1. Even in the deepest dankest recesses of the leftist sewer of NYC there’s still at least two courageous ladies supporting the president. Considering the pressure against speaking out we have no idea how many more are there but hopefully they’re not alone.


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