Sickening Killer Clown Horror Movie – IOTW Report

Sickening Killer Clown Horror Movie

Yahoo! News

A new film is said to be so shocking and violent that people are “passing out” in the cinema.

On Thursday 4 October, Damien Leone unveiled his sequel Terrifier 2 in the US, and horror fans have been flocking to watch the film. It has consequently become a word-of-mouth hit.

This is possibly due to the fact that social media is filled with posts from people who claim to have either passed out or vomited from the violence depicted in the film. More


17 Comments on Sickening Killer Clown Horror Movie

  1. Hey, I’ve seen pictures of Lizzo twerking, nothing fazes me anymore.

    I remember similar publicity/warnings when The Exorcist first came out, clever marketing, I thought.

  2. Like when The Exorcist came out, people were freaking out about that. It was rated X when it was released in ’73. Midnight Cowboy was also rated X. The rating system had just come out and the XXX porn hadn’t taken over.

  3. My own government persecutes me and my family for my race while it busily steals from me abd hires agents with my own money to facilitate their stealing more, at gunpoint if necessary. Meanwhile, it orders my countrymen to submit to medical experiments that Mengele could only dream of, murdering many and crippling more while supporting those who led this biologic attack on my country. The fraud foisted over us all is a grinning, demented, child raping pervert with what little mind neurosyphilis hasn’t destroyed is infected with unalloyed hatred for his own country even as his palsied fingers fumble towards the nuclear codes that can destroy us all, some in an agonizing flash, billions of others wandering sightlessly through the smouldering aftermath as their flesh slouths off and they vomit and shit their irradiated blood away. They have torn down every institution, humiliated the military, weaponized medicine, didabled the police, and allow the mentally ill to burn down entire American cities and murder their people to maintain their grasp on the power they will use to annihilate the futures of our children and grandchildren, be it by quick violence or slow starvation. I’ve seen them cause young men to have heart attacks, young women to miscarry, and wreck even the definition of “man” and “woman” in the service of satan to cause maximum confusion and destroy the minds of the young that they may never be strong enough to defy them.

    All of this not even taking into account the more ordinary sorts of horrors I’ve seen in my life like babies with their intestines squeezed out in their mother’s arms, children with their perineum torn like a rough episiotomy by their rapist fathers, women beaten by sperm donors till their eye orbits can’t hold both eyes in, and with defense cuts so deep it’s doubtful their hands will ever work again, to name but a few.

    Ive seen all this and more, real time, 24/7/365, with no place I can go and nothing I can do to escape it, and these guys think some fictional clowns wallowing in CGI blood is going to cross my eyes?

    Good luck with that.

  4. @Rich Taylor
    OCTOBER 14, 2022 AT 4:31 PM
    “I remember similar publicity/warnings when The Exorcist first came out, clever marketing, I thought.”

    I was thinking the same thing. Kind if like when books were “banned in Boston”.

  5. Just in time for the killer Halloween Clowns part two. Remember that a couple years ago? My prediction, some teenager in a killer clown out fit will get shot and killed by a young mother taking her four year old trick or treating.
    I don’t blame the movie. In fact they should be able to make a movie about any damn thing they want. I blame stupid people.

  6. I get all the terror and sickening violence just reading news on the web. Thank God I know He is in control of this world and there is a reason beyond my understanding that it is this way now, I suspect to show the total deprivation of humanity. Anyway I don’t watch horror movies.

  7. This got me thinking. The last time I went to the movie theater was back in 2015, Jurrasic World, IMAX (wanted to see what all the fuss was about). Haven’t been back since. I doubt any IOTW regulars have gone since then as well.

    My local theater has 14 screens. I just looked at what was playing, except for that homo movie that nobody cares about, I did not recognize any titles, and only 10 movies showing, not 14.

    I shed no tears for the demise of the movie business, they brought this on themselves. They target a demographic which is alien to me, has no real bankable stars and their product is usually inane, vapid, and utterly forgettable.


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