Sidney Powell Gives Her Briefest Brief on Why SCOTUS Has To Hear Election Challenge Cases – IOTW Report

Sidney Powell Gives Her Briefest Brief on Why SCOTUS Has To Hear Election Challenge Cases


Calling-in for an interview with Todd Herman, attorney Sidney Powell provides her summary of election fraud evidence as if she had a few minutes to make her pitch to the United States Supreme Court. More

10 Comments on Sidney Powell Gives Her Briefest Brief on Why SCOTUS Has To Hear Election Challenge Cases

  1. …let me simplify even further.

    Address this fraud, or We The People will.

    And you will NOT like the way WE do it.

    And bear in mind that your faces and names are very well known to all of us.

    …just sayin’…

  2. The Supreme Court doesn’t have to hear anything they don’t feel like hearing.

    They’re an independent branch of government and under their own control so they make their own rules and decisions about what they do or don’t do and how they go about doing it.

  3. Roberts fears riots by BLM and Antifa if he follows the Constitution, he just the wrong man for the job. We face being a third world nation with China leading the world with as Biden has been bought.

  4. Why anyone who is concerned about the theft of this election has a problem with this woman is beyond me. She took up the cause on her own, is paying her staff, has said if you would LIKE to help out financially – here is where to do it, has probably gotten less sleep than any of them in the last two months… I can go on, but my point is made.

    For Christ’s sake, the people who claim to have a problem with how this election went down and yet are dissing her ought to be horsewhipped.

  5. Duncan Fisher
    DECEMBER 30, 2020 AT 1:47 PM
    “Roberts fears riots by BLM and Antifa…”

    …perhaps he needs a reason to fear patriots as well.

    I suspect he will GET one, too, and a sharp lesson indeed.

    …but it may come too late to save him from the terrible consequences of his his treasonable dereliction of duty…

  6. “…That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”


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