Sidney Powell Launches Super PAC to ‘Fight Vigorously for Our Constitutional Rights’ – IOTW Report

Sidney Powell Launches Super PAC to ‘Fight Vigorously for Our Constitutional Rights’

SCRP: Attorney Sidney Powell, who filed third-party election lawsuits on behalf of former President Donald Trump, has launched a Super PAC dedicated to a range of aims, including freedom of speech, Constitutional rights, and “the sacred right of free and fair elections.”

In a statement on Saturday, Powell announced the launch of the Restore the Republic Super PAC, which is an independent expenditure-only political action committee that may receive unlimited contributions and may engage in unlimited political spending on initiatives, provided it does not coordinate directly with campaigns or candidates.

A Jan. 22 filing with the Federal Elections Commission shows Powell as the entity’s Custodian of Records, while former Trump campaign attorney Jesse Binnall serves as the Super PAC’s Treasurer.

Powell said what prompted the move is that Americans are “starved for truth, restoration of the Rule of Law, and even-handed accountability,” and are fed up with government corruption and an “elitist political class that views them with condescension and contempt.”

“The American people deserve a voice that exposes and rejects the self-interest of political parties, the control of tech giants, and the lies of the fake news,” she said.

Vowing to be a “voice for honesty, integrity, and a return to government by We the People,” Powell said the Restore the Republic Super PAC “will be dedicated to supporting candidates who will fight vigorously for our Constitutional rights, freedom of speech, and the sacred right of free and fair elections.” more

19 Comments on Sidney Powell Launches Super PAC to ‘Fight Vigorously for Our Constitutional Rights’

  1. …oh, and that only works if we have a system that honestly counts votes.

    Which we demonstrably do not.

    You were SUPPOSED to address THAT, Sydney.

    And you did NOT.

    …so what you’re proposing now…is useless.


  2. ^ Not hate, just the realization that the house, which has the odds in its favor anyway, is now playing with a marked deck. You’ll know how close anyone comes to the truth by whether or not they’re still breathing.

  3. Anonymous: “Why all the hate? She tried. She was fighting an uphill battle agains’t a crooked gov’t and the crapweasels at the not-so-supreme court. What did you do?”

    Not crapping on her ’cause she failed. We know now that there was no way in hell the Democrats would allow all the shit they pulled in the 2020 elections be brought to light and undone, and there was no way in the hell the Republicans would waste this opportunity to rid themselves of Trump. But one would think that someone who makes their living operating in this kind of environment would have had a better understanding of just what they were dealing with and adjust their battle plans accordingly. She misread the terrain and misjudged her opponents badly, and so may not be the person we want to invest any further scarce resources (namely time, money, and effort).

    Now, having said that, it’s also fair to say that NONE OF US — including Trump himself — were any wiser than she going into this. Any criticisms are made totally in 20/20 hindsight. But we may need a little more convincing that this is the person and this is the path to follow.

  4. For what it’s worth, I donated a little money to Sidney’s efforts soon after the election. She didn’t deposit my check until about a week ago, giving me plenty of opportunity to cancel the check. I wasn’t left with the impression that she is a money grubber……

  5. Happy to hear it Sidney. The RAT PARTY had the Fix in that the judges were bought,intimidated, or they were RAT PARTY operatives but they weren’t going to hear cases on blatant Voter Fraud that occurred in their states especially with the Dominion Voter Fraud machines.

  6. I donated to her recent efforts to specifically bring suit about the election fraud. But at this point, with a broader agenda, wouldn’t she do better to join forces with the likes of Judicial Watch, that has a significant track record and donor base? We need coordinated efforts, not competing fundraising, IMHO.


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