Sidney Powell: Mueller’s Jig Is Up — But That’s Not Enough – IOTW Report

Sidney Powell: Mueller’s Jig Is Up — But That’s Not Enough


The Mueller witch hunt is effectively over — not because Mr. Mueller had not planned to drag this out until he could concoct a crime against Mr. Trump or a member of his family but rather because the jig is up.

Have you noticed how long it has been since anyone even suggested that the president sit down with the “special counsel” for an interview?



Mueller’s raison d’etre was the outrageous and purposely propagandized prevarication that the Trump campaign and even Mr. Trump himself “colluded” with Russia to rig the 2016 presidential election against Hillary Clinton.

The Democrats who perpetrated this fraud are not only masters of projection and deception, but they took their playbook of personal destruction to a whole new level.

There is more evidence by the day that the Clinton cabal, in and outside of government, weaponized our most venerable law enforcement institutions and agencies, abused protected government data, unmasked citizens and lied to our courts to destroy the political opposition.

Enough evidence has been forcibly extracted from various sources to establish that the actual crimes — conspiracy, fraud, obstruction of justice, espionage act violations and no doubt others — were committed by Clinton and her campaign with the calculated help of their power-crazed cronies within the FBI, CIA, NSA, Obama White House, the Department of Justice, the State Department, FusionGPS and probably even partners in the law firm of Perkins Coie who helped craft the “mosaic” of lies.

Heaven knows that is not what Mueller and his Clinton-loving cabal of prosecutors wanted to find — and they clearly avoided looking for it.

President Trump holds all the cards now.


15 Comments on Sidney Powell: Mueller’s Jig Is Up — But That’s Not Enough

  1. Oh, the Mueller team got plenty – just not what they were looking for. In fact, with the DNC, Clinton and Obama fingerprints all over everything, they got pretty much the exact opposite of what they wanted.

    So now Mueller has switched tactics from investigation to cover up. Let’s leave Fusion alone because they weren’t hired by Trump to cooperate with the Russians, they wered hired by Hillary. And now, magically, Mueller doesn’t consider that a crime anymore.

  2. Time to call their bluff Mr. President. You need to allow enough time for the MSM to ignore the story for weeks before finally having to cover it. Releasing the FISA documents 3 weeks before the election should just about force their hand.

  3. The problem with releasing the FISA documents is that they show the UK and Australia were attempting to corrupt the election through their “intelligence” agencies, and after Trump won, they continued to conspire to overthrow him. Our “allies” do not want that to become public.

    The FBI, CIA, and NSA are supposedly limited in how they can spy on US citizens as a result of the Fourth Amendment. Five Eyes are not. So the FBI, NSA, and CIA provided facilities and equipment to let Five Eyes agencies – and quite frankly the German BND as well – hoover up and analyze every communication across the network in the US.

    After the indictments and trials, the proper result is not “incarcerations”. It is instead executions, with the heads of the perpetrators prominently displayed on pikes all the way around the District of Corruption beltway.

    Pour encourager les autres.

  4. There is more evidence by the day that the Clinton cabal, in and outside of government, weaponized our most venerable law enforcement institutions and agencies, abused protected government data, unmasked citizens and lied to our courts to destroy the political opposition.

    Yeah! Finally! The Party announcing that The Party is all Good! As it has always been! All Good! Any wrongs were done by fake Party members.

    All the Good Party members just went along with the few fake Party members. Because the deeds perpetrated by the fake Party members are perfectly normal. Good Party members were doing it all the time. Are doing it now. Because it’s all Good!

    That’s why all the Good Party members never noticed the fake Party members. Ordering them to do Good deeds. That’s why they just followed orders. That’s why those orders, issued by fake Party members, must be obeyed. Are still obeyed. Because the members were fake, but the orders are true.

  5. Make all of them involved and who collected a paycheck, pay it all back by being guards at Federal prisons including Gitmo. Make them work at the worse of the worse prisons guarding the most dangerous prisoners. I’d go for that.

  6. It’s not enough for stuff like this not to work. Until it’s punished there’ll be more of it. This was/is an attempt to nullify popular sovereignty. It’s serious business, and it will take serious consequences to keep it from happening again, and again, and again.

  7. @The Deplorable TWP October 17, 2018 at 11:10 am

    > This was/is an attempt to nullify popular sovereignty.

    There is only one way to enforce “popular sovereignty.”
    And it is very unpopular.

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