‘significance of the passage of time’ – IOTW Report

‘significance of the passage of time’

18 Comments on ‘significance of the passage of time’

  1. Why does this moron always sound like she’s trying to give a book report but barely even read the Cliff Notes in the morning as she stuffed breakfast down her throat?

    Also, does anyone else just cringe at the whine in her annoying voice? She seriously needs a voice coach – SOON.

  2. “She is doing a wonderful job as vice-president and people should respect her more.”

    You should practice talking this way about your important political leaders because this is what’s going on in Germany right now:

    In Germany: A press release by Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office claimed that Tuesday’s so-called “joint day of action” was sparked by posts targeting politicians around the 2021 Federal elections, with elected officials in Germany having special legal privileges making it illegal for their constituents to level certain insults against them.

    “The basis for these investigations is Section 188 of the Criminal Code (StGB), which was revised in spring 2021 and makes insults, slander and defamation of people in political life particularly punishable,” the Federal Criminal Police Office statement reads.

  3. C’mon, Man! She’s historic! Just look at her accomplishments: First Black Colored Female to get installed as Vice President*; First Vice President* married to a Jewish man; First Vice President* who had a Black Colored Communist from Jamaica for a father; First Vice President* who had a Brown Colored Hindu Socialist from India for a mother; First Vice President* to be born in California but raised in Canada; First Vice President* who doesn’t have a clue about practically any subject she is asked about, but still manages to explain things in a manner that most fairly smart kids in grade school can almost understand; First Vice President* who will become installed as President* after a senile, dementia addled, corrupt, incompetent, dishonest, traitorous, gibberish spewing, political hack finally admits defeat and stops pretending to be capable of running the country. Man, she’s semi-articulate, looks clean enough in pants, cackles like a hyena, lurks around the White House like a an unwanted reminder of a bad decision about selecting candidates based on race, sex and stupidity. She’s a Kalamitous Jamindian storybook!

  4. She’s the biggest moron in the world. And that’s not hyperbole. No hyperbole at all to say that she’s the laziest faker in history. If you called her dumber than AOC, it wouldn’t be hyperbole.

  5. The democrats like to demonstrate the definition of insanity–doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. “If nominated, I’ll select a woman vice-president!” Okay, and how’d that turn out? Round two: “I’ll nominate the first black woman to the supreme court.” Great, now we have a nominee who can’t define what a woman is. Way to go, democrats. Way to go.

  6. @Geoff

    Kamala Kum, Kamala Kum
    Wheres this Kamala coming from
    She done bobbed three hours and Im still feeling numb
    From the Kamala, Kamala, Kamala Kum

    Got a spot that makes me pop
    An she aint been to it …


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