Signs Said to Be Racist Trigger Local Media Around the Nation – IOTW Report

Signs Said to Be Racist Trigger Local Media Around the Nation

Homemade signs, like the one pictured, have been showing up on college campuses since Mid-October. The first was observed at Boston College on October 22nd,  just as activists there thought they had marched racism right off their safe space.


A similar message was posted on Concordia College in Morehead, MN


The very same signs went up at University of Maryland


Turns out it’s an ongoing prank started on 4chan and meant to demonstrate just how bad things have gotten in the progressive echo chamber that is the modern American college and the all too unquestioning media.

h/t Bearing, whose video response is quite good, if you can get past all the swearing.

20 Comments on Signs Said to Be Racist Trigger Local Media Around the Nation

  1. Aren’t white people the majority in this country?
    Why would you want to piss off a majority of people?
    I think they need to think this through and just say republican white people.

  2. And they wonder why Neo Nazi groups are on the rise. We have one that just sprouted up in our little community. Full of a bunch of High School kids. Who’s parent are upper income. These snow flakes are to blame.
    I’m white, but the gun on my hip is black. Does that count for anything?

  3. VietVet

    My Grandma says I’m husky!!!!!! (Shakes tiny fists at computer

    screen) …I guess that would be husky fists …anyways I’m a

    blonde…So I get a free pass…

  4. What on earth was the black girl bitching about , did she really just say because she’s Black – People don’t think she should be there ?
    She’s making up reasons so she can act oppressed , and be part of the who are we Club !!!


    Is this not ingenious?
    🔥 It gets them triggered OVER NOTHING.
    🔥 They must make the claim it’s NOT Okay to be white, making them look racist.
    🔥 They can’t prosecute, expel, harass, publicly shame anyone b/c they can’t find them.
    🔥 The police get sick and tired chasing ghosts.
    🔥 IT’S LEGAL!

    I say go COLD for a month, then start back up again. Repeat.

  6. Saw another one that will make Libtard heads go ‘splody. On the back of a $20 bill (yuppie food stamp), print in colored marker, “Donald Trump lives here”.


  7. Here’s my sign:

    I’m proud to be what I was born. What race I was born is inconsequential.
    Proud families, of all races, raise proud children and ensure that they give their children the tools to succeed.

  8. What progtard scumbags think:

    Black “teens” roving around in packs looking for non-blacks to brutalize and assault: Not a hate crime.

    Saying, “It’s okay to be white.”: Totally racist.

  9. I wore “husky” size in grade school. Wide shoulders and my hips weren’t fashionable, I guess. I played baseball and football (just a little above average enough to always be a starter) and passed the first Presidential Fitness test for kids (Thanks Pres. Kennedy I think).

    But my real post for this article is ALL LIVES MATTER.

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