Silence Is a Choice – IOTW Report

Silence Is a Choice


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9 Comments on Silence Is a Choice

  1. So here’s a story for ya. When I was a little kid, my grandmother came over to our house, drunk. That was not unusual. She drank a lot. It was just before Thanksgivng, and she had all the Christmas presents for her grandchildren, wrapped and ready. She was delivering them early, because she was preparing to kill herself. In her sad and messy state, she confessed to my mother that she’d had two abortions. It was during WW II, and they already had two children, my mother being one of them. My grandparents could barely feed the two kids they had; more mouths to feed was out of the question. My grandfather found a doctor who could “take care of the situation.”

    Abortion ruined my grandparents’ marriage. I think my grandmother hated my grandfather for the rest of his life. Abortion ruined my grandmother’s life – she was never able to live with the guilt. And my mom, who had always prayed for a younger sibling, was devastated to know she’d had not one, but two answers to her prayers.

    But yah, it was just a clump of cells….

  2. That is a very sad story. I hope she did not commit suicide.

    As a counterpoint, however, here are 26 other stories. They don’t resonate with your theme, but they are women — and they are real stories:

    Women should have a choice. Forcing them — your grandfather — or you, because you eliminate all options — is never good. Women are people too. Some of them are not like you.

    Tell me about the stories, as you read them.

    It is, often, good when you understand that you don’t have a lock on knowledge, experience, but that the world is large.

    ….Lady in Red

  3. Is there any “disease” on Earth that is guaranteed to resolve itself in 9 months, or less, EVERY SINGLE TIME? Is there anything that can’t be delayed for 40 weeks to save another’s life? Your waist size will return, I promise. You can finish your degree. Give me the 90%, the vast majority of healthy moms and babies that are aborted, and tell me why someone couldn’t wait about 36 weeks and then walk away? Walk away. Drop the baby at any hospital and walk away. So much more compassionate than guaranteed death. Adoption. That’s the choice. The vast majority of aborted babies are healthy. There are so many families waiting to adopt and it is so desperately hard for them or they wouldn’t cross continents and spent 10’s of thousands for them, and do that for special needs kids, regardless of where or how they got here.

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