Silicon Valley Leaders Begin to Worry That Political Correctness Is Stifling Innovation – IOTW Report

Silicon Valley Leaders Begin to Worry That Political Correctness Is Stifling Innovation

Breitbart: Tech leaders are beginning to worry that Silicon Valley’s new political correctness is stifling innovation.

Silicon Valley is often referred to as the “Valley of the Democrats” because of the area’s strong endorsement of the social justice agenda — plus the fact that about 83 percent of tech company political contributions went to Democrats in the last election cycle.

Partner Katharine “Kat” Manalac told in July that Y Combinator, which has been the largest incubator for start-up tech companies in Silicon Valley, sent a form out to 3,500 local entrepreneurs to gather personal information about venture capitalists (VCs) and their attitudes toward women. Manalac added, “We don’t call it a blacklist,” but she then admitted, “that is essentially what is happening.”

Many of Silicon Valley’s moralizing progressive tech leaders over the last five months have found themselves increasingly stuck in the web of political correctness they wove to combat conservative ideas — or, critics suggest, to stifle conservative ideas.. Examples include of big names shamed out of business include Andy Rubin, who led the Android smartphone software effort at Google; top venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson of Draper Fisher Jurvetson; Google’s top lawyer David Drummond; tech blog-star Robert Scoble of Scobelizer; Uber founder Travis Kalanick; Uber top engineer Amit Singhal; Binary Capital VC founder Justin Caldbeck; former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich; and Dave McClure, who founded the 500 Start-Ups tech incubator.

Facebook COO and progressive icon Sheryl Sandberg commented in early December that she wrote in her bestseller, Lean In that 64 percent of tech senior male managers were afraid to be alone with a female colleague, due to fear of being accused of sexual harassment.


She warned that the recent witchhunt was causing a blowback against women: “We have to be vigilant to make sure this happens. I have already heard the rumblings of a backlash: “This is why you shouldn’t hire women.”  read more

14 Comments on Silicon Valley Leaders Begin to Worry That Political Correctness Is Stifling Innovation

  1. If you are afraid to be alone with a female you obviously lack the social skills to deal with interactions.
    I have been alone with female coworkers, I have bantered flirtatiously with female coworkers. I understand the difference between casual chat and making someone uncomfortable, and only have those type of conversations when it is mutually acceptable. And I was able to do that when I was in my 20s too!

  2. So the self proclaimed “smart people” are starting to realize how stupid, arrogant and self centered they are. Got it. First conservative idea they hear will immediately have them running to their safe spaces for like-minded group think. Nothing changes.

  3. MJA – true, I take a risk every time I do that. I also take a risk every time I walk out the door. There are certain reasonable risks you take to live this thing called life. I am thoughtful, respectful, I’m not being stupid when I do those things, but I am willing to take risks in order to enjoy life.

    The first time I met the woman I am dating she complimented my butt. I said it was all the squats I do. That was at a church function, preparing a meal for the homeless.

  4. The “backlash” is already here.
    Many men have wised up and are
    keeping the “Miss Claws” at a
    distance and that includes jobs.
    If they don’t control their fellow
    females nuttiness, their employment will be set to minimum token numbers as dictated by the Feds.

  5. I was supervisor over 8-10 women in one shop I worked at. Mostly there was good banter between us but some women are just looking for trouble where there is none. At another job, I and the company I worked for were sued for a so called injury she got (nothing to do with sex). Turns out she made a living going around the country suing people.

  6. There was a guy in our office who used to stalk me when we were the only ones here from 4:00 – 5:00pm. Luckily, he was somewhat afraid of what I would do to him if he crossed a line (I kept my scissors prominently displayed on my desk, and made sure he knew I wasn’t afraid of him. There’s a lot to be said for maintaining some “mystique.”) I never filed any kind of complaint against him, tho. He ended up self-imploding and quit in a blaze of glory a few weeks ago because he was about to get fired for showing up at work drunk one too many times.

  7. @Billy Fuster December 20, 2017 at 11:59 am

    Sometimes, from the mouths of snarks…

    The “matter” is that all, quite literally literally all, of the other proven, workable, familiar solutions were taken from the negotiating table, to a ditch out back, and shot in the head, to prevent counter-revolutionary badthink thought disease, last century. The remaining players are the feminists and the islamists. There might be other people that could play. But, like reminding the audience that the sun rises in the East, they, still, don’t want the prizes that are on the table. The islamist solution isn’t the only one on offer. You can support the feminist (or whatever alias the communalists want you to mouth this time), end game, instead. But those two are the only two that do, in fact, have points of stability. Pick a side.

  8. I am all for equality in the work place. Women are just as capable as men and entitled to equal pay. Their only problem is that instead of being ration and logical, they make all their decisions based on emotion. and they are always riding that cotton pony.

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