Silicon Valley Residents Get Chance To Experience Poverty For Two Hours – IOTW Report

Silicon Valley Residents Get Chance To Experience Poverty For Two Hours

Washington Free Beacon

Residents of Cupertino, Calif., and the surrounding enclaves populated by wealthy liberals will soon have the opportunity to attend a government-sponsored “poverty simulation” designed to educate participants on “the reality of a Silicon Valley that grows in disparity as much as prosperity.”

The event will take place on Nov. 2 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Cupertino Senior Center. During the two-hour simulation, participants will “work to overcome barriers to social services, live off insufficient income, and encounter unforeseen economic obstacles along the way,” according to the City of Cupertino website. More

24 Comments on Silicon Valley Residents Get Chance To Experience Poverty For Two Hours

  1. Bullcrap. It ain’t real if it ain’t real. They know they’ve still got their homes, their cars, their food and their jobs to go back to. Until you don’t have these for real , you can’t experience being poor.
    PS. I am typing this in the dark because Commiefornia has shut off the electricity again.

  2. @Different Tim – I would expand on that and give the homeless two hours at the rich virtue signaller’s homes. I think that would be long enough to encamp them and get squatter’s rights to those homes

  3. Do they get to fight over a moldy, half-eaten, ham sammich?
    Or the dregs in a bottle of muscatel?
    Let some sailor fuck their daughter for a couple of cigarettes?

    Yeah, they’ll be experiencing “poverty” not poverty – sit on the couch watching Orca while waiting for the gummint cheese to be delivered. Suffering in a two-bedroom apartment when what you REALLY want is a three! Have to stand in line for UP TO FIVE MINUTES! to get that free Obola-Phone.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Virtue signaling posers.
    When you reject God, you worship yourself or or engage in silly causes (environmentalism, racism, SJW, antifa, TDS, sexual perversions, socialism, feminism).

  5. I understand an average of 3 homeless persons a day expire on the streets of LA. Can we hope that some of these rich Cupertino-ites will croak during the 2 hour re-education ordeal?

    Surely being kept away from wine & brie for two whole hours will be a life-ending event for some of these rich liberal hypos.


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