Simo “White Death” Häyhä – The Original Biathlete – IOTW Report

Simo “White Death” Häyhä – The Original Biathlete


While the Olympics were trying to decide whether or not “military patrol,” or what we call today the Biathlon, should be included in the Winter Games, there was Finn who in 1939 demonstrated to over 500 Soviet soldiers his expertise in skiing and shooting. His name was Simo Häyhä . Watch





7 Comments on Simo “White Death” Häyhä – The Original Biathlete

  1. I recall watching several videos or reading about Simo Häyhä several years ago after getting a mosin nagant rifle. Many of them were captured from the soviets by the Fins, and modified. A mosin nagant, purchased from a wooden barrel full of them in sports shop, was used to take out an anti-freedom politician in Matt Bracken’s book, Enemies Foreign and Domestic. The first book in the trilogy. .

  2. Lazlo has a Mosin Nagant. That son of a bitch will kick like a mule (steel but plate) Now, as an untrained civilian, I did not expect exemplary results from this rifle due to operator error.
    This old girl will hit what she’s aimed at no matter the distance.
    I got it on the paper at 600 yards without a scope (but on a sand bag)
    At 500 I can decide what bush not to hide in
    At 400 yards, I am happy

  3. Another Famous Warrior form Finland is Lauri Torni/Larry Thorn. He served in the Finnish Winter War against the Soviets. Later joined the Finnish Waffen SS to continue fighting the Soviets. Lastly he joined the US Army and became one of the first Special Forces aka Green Berets. In SE Asia he fought against Soviet backed Communist forces in Viet Nam and met his fate in a helicopter crash in Laos. His remains were recovered in the 90s and was interred at Arlington National Cemetery.

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