Simple Quiz – IOTW Report

Simple Quiz

To truly have fun with this, do not look at anyone else’s answers. Just type your answers. I’ll update the post later.

1. In Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter’s creepy salutation to Jodie Foster’s character upon first meeting her was this 2 word phrase-

2. The cartoon about 2 prehistoric families was called-

3. The Monopoly Man. What would you call his eyewear?

4. A famous peanut butter brand starting with the letter J-

5. A lovable family of bears which appeared in books and TV shows since the 60s, The B__________ Bears-

6. The most famous line from Star Wars delivered by Darth Vader to his son —

7. Name the “sexy” TV show starring Sarah Jessica Parker set in Manhattan, featuring her and her 3 girlfriends.

8. What is confabulation?


29 Comments on Simple Quiz

  1. 1. In Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter’s creepy salutation to Jodie Foster’s character upon first meeting her was this 2 word phrase-

    Hello, Clarice.

    2. The cartoon about 2 prehistoric families was called-

    The Flintstones

    3. The Monopoly Man. What would you call his eyewear?


    4. A famous peanut butter brand starting with the letter J-


    5. A lovable family of bears which appeared in books and TV shows since the 60s, The B__________ Bears-


    6. The most famous line from Star Wars delivered by Darth Vader to his son —

    I am your father

    7. Name the “sexy” TV show starring Sarah Jessica Parker set in Manhattan, featuring her and her 3 girlfriends.

    (No idea. Not my kind of teevee show.)

    8. What is confabulation?

    Talking together

  2. In Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter’s creepy salutation to Jodie Foster’s character upon first meeting her was this 2 word phrase-
    Mmmmmm, Yummy!

    2. The cartoon about 2 prehistoric families was called- Flintstones

    3. The Monopoly Man. What would you call his eyewear?

    4. A famous peanut butter brand starting with the letter J-

    5. A lovable family of bears which appeared in books and TV shows since the 60s, The __________ Bears-
    The Berenstein Bears.

    6. The most famous line from Star Wars delivered by Darth Vader to his son —
    Luke, I am your father.

    7. Name the “sexy” TV show starring Sarah Jessica Parker set in Manhattan, featuring her and her 3 girlfriends.
    Tramps In The City

    8. What is confabulation?
    It’s what libtards do.

  3. 1. In Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter’s creepy salutation to Jodie Foster’s character upon first meeting her was this 2 word phrase-
    hello dyke

    2. The cartoon about 2 prehistoric families was called-
    Meet the Flintstones

    3. The Monopoly Man. What would you call his eyewear?

    4. A famous peanut butter brand starting with the letter J-
    Jiffy lube

    5. A lovable family of bears which appeared in books and TV shows since the 60s, The B__________ Bears-
    Berenstein? Are you sure that’s 60’s?

    6. The most famous line from Star Wars delivered by Darth Vader to his son —
    Ludicrous speed

    7. Name the “sexy” TV show starring Sarah Jessica Parker set in Manhattan, featuring her and her 3 girlfriends.
    Sex in the city with a milf, 2 neurotics and a lesbian.

    8. What is confabulation?
    What the above 4 chicks did constantly

  4. 1. In Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter’s creepy salutation to Jodie Foster’s character upon first meeting her was this 2 word phrase-
    Hello Clairice

    2. The cartoon about 2 prehistoric families was called-
    The Flintstones

    3. The Monopoly Man. What would you call his eyewear?
    4. A famous peanut butter brand starting with the letter J-

    5. A lovable family of bears which appeared in books and TV shows since the 60s, The B__________ Bears-
    6. The most famous line from Star Wars delivered by Darth Vader to his son —
    Search yourself. You know it to be true.

    7. Name the “sexy” TV show starring Sarah Jessica Parker set in Manhattan,
    featuring her and her 3 girlfriends.
    Sex and the city

    8. What is confabulation?
    A gay party

  5. 1. In Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter’s creepy salutation to Jodie Foster’s character upon first meeting her was this 2 word phrase- Fava beans?

    2. The cartoon about 2 prehistoric families was called- The Clintons and The Bidens

    3. The Monopoly Man. What would you call his eyewear? Expensive!

    4. A famous peanut butter brand starting with the letter J- Jihadi Chunk

    5. A lovable family of bears which appeared in books and TV shows since the 60s, The B__________ Bears- BlueDress

    6. The most famous line from Star Wars delivered by Darth Vader to his son — Luke, I am your mother.

    7. Name the “sexy” TV show starring Sarah Jessica Parker set in Manhattan, featuring her and her 3 girlfriends. Ms. Ed

    8. What is confabulation? Not positive but it sure sounds swishy.

  6. 1. In Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter’s creepy salutation to Jodie Foster’s character upon first meeting her was this 2 word phrase- Hello Clarice

    2. The cartoon about 2 prehistoric families was called-
    The Flintstones

    3. The Monopoly Man. What would you call his eyewear?
    A Monocle

    4. A famous peanut butter brand starting with the letter J-

    5. A lovable family of bears which appeared in books and TV shows since the 60s – Berenstein Bears

    6. The most famous line from Star Wars delivered by Darth Vader to his son —
    Luke,I am your Daddy

    7. Name the “sexy” TV show starring Sarah Jessica Parker set in Manhattan, featuring her and her 3 slutty girlfriends. Sex in the City

    8. What is confabulation?
    What you hear when someone with a speech impediment says Congratulations.

  7. 1. In Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter’s creepy salutation to Jodie Foster’s character upon first meeting her was this 2 word phrase-

    “Good morning.”

    2. The cartoon about 2 prehistoric families was called-


    3. The Monopoly Man. What would you call his eyewear?


    4. A famous peanut butter brand starting with the letter J-


    5. A lovable family of bears which appeared in books and TV shows since the 60s, The B__________ Bears-


    6. The most famous line from Star Wars delivered by Darth Vader to his son —

    “Get a haircut, you look like a queer.”

    7. Name the “sexy” TV show starring Sarah Jessica Parker set in Manhattan, featuring her and her 3 girlfriends.

    The Walking Dead.

    8. What is confabulation?

    All of my answers except #1.

  8. 1. In Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter’s creepy salutation to Jodie Foster’s character upon first meeting her was this 2 word phrase- “Hello, Clarice.”

    2. The cartoon about 2 prehistoric families was called- The Flintstones

    3. The Monopoly Man. What would you call his eyewear? A monocle.

    4. A famous peanut butter brand starting with the letter J- Jif

    5. A lovable family of bears which appeared in books and TV shows since the 60s, The B__________ Bears- Berenstain (I think they were also in my favorite children’s magazine, “Highlights”.

    6. The most famous line from Star Wars delivered by Darth Vader to his son —
    “Luke, I am your father.”

    7. Name the “sexy” TV show starring Sarah Jessica Parker set in Manhattan, featuring her and her 3 girlfriends. Sex and The City

    8. What is confabulation? I think it’s a gabfest.

  9. 1. In Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter’s creepy salutation…….
    A: Hello Clarice

    2. The cartoon about 2 prehistoric families was called-
    A: The Flintstones

    3. The Monopoly Man. What would you call his eyewear?
    A: A monocle

    4. A famous peanut butter brand starting with the letter J-
    A: Jiffy

    5. A lovable family of bears which appeared in books and TV shows since the 60s, The B__________ Bears-
    A: The Beirnstien Bears (sp?)

    6. The most famous line from Star Wars delivered by Darth Vader to his son —
    A: No…I am your father…

    7. Name the “sexy” TV show starring Sarah Jessica Parker set in Manhattan, featuring her and her 3 girlfriends.
    A: Sex and the City (never watched it)

    8. What is confabulation?
    A: no idea…….telling lots of lies?

  10. 1. Hello, Clarise
    2.The Flintstones
    3.A monocle
    4. Jiffy
    5. The Berenstain Bears
    6.Luke, I am your father.
    7.Sex and the City
    8.A fabricated story believed by the teller as true.

  11. 1. In Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter’s creepy salutation to Jodie Foster’s character upon first meeting her was this 2 word phrase- Hello, Clarice.

    2. The cartoon about 2 prehistoric families was called-
    Alley Oop

    3. The Monopoly Man. What would you call his eyewear? Monocle.

    4. A famous peanut butter brand starting with the letter J- Jif

    5. A lovable family of bears which appeared in books and TV shows since the 60s, The B__________ Bears- Berenstain

    6. The most famous line from Star Wars delivered by Darth Vader to his son — Luke (breathe, breathe) I am your father.

    7. Name the “sexy” TV show starring Sarah Jessica Parker set in Manhattan, featuring her and her 3 girlfriends. Black Velvet—I mean Sex in the City

    8. What is confabulation? False memories or mixing up the real and the imaginary

  12. 1. 2 word phrase- Well, hello

    2. The cartoon – Flintstones

    3. eyewear – monocle

    4. A famous peanut butter – Jif

    5. The B__________ Bears- Berenstain

    6. Darth Vader to his son — No, I am your father.

    7. Name the “sexy” TV show – Sex in the city

    8. What is confabulation? – to conversate.

  13. 1 – don’t know, never saw the movie, never will
    2 – the flintstones, or maybe meet the flintstones
    3 – it’s a monocle
    4 – fer pete’s sake, jiffy
    5 – that would be the berenstain bears
    6 – luke, i am your father…..
    7 – sex in the city, loosely based on the movie miami rhapsody
    8 – it’s when a whole bunch of people get together and confabulate, silly….everybody knows that…..

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