Since lifting lockdown, ControlaVirus cases in Texas have Dropped 36% – IOTW Report

Since lifting lockdown, ControlaVirus cases in Texas have Dropped 36%


The narrative that has been raging since March 2nd when Texas Governor Greg Abbot put out an executive order lifting Covid lockdowns in his state was that he was killing people. Covid would certainly spike and they’d have to backtrack. Except… they didn’t. Covid cases have DROPPED since the lockdowns were removed. Now, a new narrative is forming.

10 Comments on Since lifting lockdown, ControlaVirus cases in Texas have Dropped 36%

  1. I’ve decided to stop wearing masks in public, but I will carry a horseshoe crab with me everywhere I go. If I get sick I will immediately drink its blue blood.
    I will call it my emotional support crab.

  2. Some businesses still have their ‘mask required’ signs up, so I have been wearing a turkey hunting hood and camo hat. It is solid mesh without eyeholes. Had a few looks but no one has decided they want to tell me I can’t wear it.

  3. As I walked into the Kroger store today (without a mask, as usual) I was confronted by a little old lady on her way out and she too was maskless. She looked at me and said “Isn’t it great not having to wear that damn mask!”

    Since I don’t watch the local or national news on the TV box, I have no idea if there was a new presidence set, I did notice there were a lot of other people in the store without a mask on!

  4. Meanwhile in Denver metro masksheeple are everywhere. Alone, in cars, outdoors. I don’t even acknowledge anyone I pass who is wearing one, but smile and greet anyone who isn’t.

  5. The numbers have always been developed and reported for political purposes so there is no reason to believe any of them.

    Maybe there is just less incentive now to classify everything possible as covid or maybe most of the people subject to it as a severe disease have already had it and either died off or become immune leaving only those that don’t notice it and get tested as a greater percentage of the population than before.

  6. “Controlavirus”. Great name for this Chinese/Communist Death Democrats bioweapon unleased upon us. Will use it in everyday conversation going forward. Everyone should. Pass it around.


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