Sinead O’Connor Apologizes for Calling White People ‘Disgusting’ – IOTW Report

Sinead O’Connor Apologizes for Calling White People ‘Disgusting’


Irish musician Sinead O’Connor has backtracked and apologized for her comments last year in which she called white people and “non-Muslims” “disgusting.”

In November of 2018, O’Connor, who converted to Islam in 2018, wrote on Twitter that she did not want to “spend time with white people again,” calling them “disgusting.”

“I’m terribly sorry. What I’m about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel it. But truly I never wanna spend time with white people again (if that’s what non-muslims are called),” the “Nothing Compares 2 U” singer said. “Not for one moment, for any reason. They are disgusting.” read more

26 Comments on Sinead O’Connor Apologizes for Calling White People ‘Disgusting’

  1. Mentally ill, but functional and none violent. Responsible people wouldn’t put a microphone in front of this person or put her on camera; it’s exploitive and only serves to further encourage her deviant behavior.

  2. She’s definitive proof that some white people are, indeed, disgusting. Is there anything more common and revolting in western society today than the angry, ugly, left wing white bitch, who is always saying shitty, nasty things and has the sex appeal of a pile of rotting chitterlings?

  3. “triggered as a result of Islamophobia”

    I’ve been “triggered” by the events of 9/11 and beheadings, rapes, hangings, roof-throwings, mass-bombings, female genital mutilation, Sharia Law, threats to destroy us, and subsequent wimpy cries of “discrimination” shown against them.

    I am an Islamaphobe.

  4. I swear, converts are the worst. Over compensating 24/7 trying to prove their devotion. Maybe she needs to have a conversation with Rachel Dolezal/Nkechi Diallo on how to get over her whiteness.

  5. …You DO have to give Islam props for making the OUTSIDE as ugly as the INSIDE, at least in THIS case…

    …but you also have to hand it to those guys for taking God’s most lovely creations, women, and making them SO beaten down and unattractive that they find goats and boys to be more sexually appealing. Since women have an innate beauty that almost ALWAYS shines through whatever oppression is being served up to them at the moment, that’s no small feat to completely obliterate it, even in an example as twisted as THIS, and just a demonstration of how much damage can be done by a “religion” that was set up to the glory of a man (MoeHamHead) and a mockery of God, and making God’s gift to Adam into something THIS ugly inside and out is a mockery of God indeed…

  6. “No-one’s as dumb as U”

    It’s been eleven months and fifteen days
    Since you threw Jesus away
    You plant your face on the floor five times a day
    Since you threw Jesus away

    Since you’ve been gone you can’t do whatever you want
    Nor see whomever you choose.
    You can only eat your dinner in a halal restaurant
    But nothing,
    You said nothing is worse than white Jews.

    ‘Cause no-one’s as dumb,
    No-one’s as dumb as U

  7. Do not approach without plugging in situational awareness.
    10% of M’s want to follow violent jihad.
    Another 85% don’t want to fight but support those who do.
    (If you feed, clothe and arm a murderer, aren’t you one?)

  8. Well … bye …

    That’s sort of a “Who Gives a Fuck?” declaration, isn’t it?
    Tantamount to me declaring that I’m not running for the Demonrat nomination?

    Yeah, Sinead, whatever …

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I recall when she was relevant to someone, somewhere when she got herself pregnant so she could abort her baby as some sort of pro-abortion publicity stunt. I was shocked that someone could be so cold hearted to do such a thing. Back when I could actually experience shock at evil behavior. Here she is again being a publicity whore.

  10. I’d like to see her wear a crucifix and the Star of David around her neck in the Hijab getup and see where it gets her.

    The minute someone comes at her with a blade she’ll rip them off and prove that she rejects Christ.

    She’s full of shit.

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