Sinema Declines to Say if She’ll Support Biden in 2024, Says She Thought He Was the Best ‘at the Time’ in 2020 – IOTW Report

Sinema Declines to Say if She’ll Support Biden in 2024, Says She Thought He Was the Best ‘at the Time’ in 2020

Breitbart: During an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper released on Friday, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) stated that she supported President Joe Biden in 2020 because she “felt at the time he was the best candidate running for President.” But declined to say if she’ll support Biden in 2024 and said that she’ll “make my decision based on who I think is right for our country, who is the best person for the job.”

Tapper asked, “Looking forward to 2024, will you support Joe Biden for President if he runs?”

Sinema answered, “Folks know this about me, I don’t typically talk much about partisan politics and I don’t talk much about elections. So –.”

Tapper then cut in to say, “But he ran in 2020 and you supported him.”

Sinema responded, “Yes, I did. I felt at the time he was the best candidate running for President.”

Tapper then asked, “So you really are going to view the 2024 election as an independent? You are not automatically going to go with the Democratic candidate? You’re going to see which one you prefer?” MORE

7 Comments on Sinema Declines to Say if She’ll Support Biden in 2024, Says She Thought He Was the Best ‘at the Time’ in 2020

  1. A month-back my cousin’s step-mum basically earnt $2,900 just sitting there twelve hours a week in their apartment and they’re best friend’s mother-in-law`s neighbour has been doing this for nine months and easily made more than $12,000 part-time from their laptop.
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  2. You know what? This is theater. So she is an independent or whatever she calls herself but she will probably vote like the other independent, Sanders. All this nonsense but the woman still voted for the Inflation Reduction Act. She is still a prog through and through.

  3. Anonymous
    DECEMBER 10, 2022 AT 2:08 AM
    “Good pick in 2020, Kristin…. Kristin Sinema is the best of the worst. AZ can do SO much better.”

    You SURE they ca…I mean, SURE they can!



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