Sinema Tells Schumer to Pound Sand – IOTW Report

Sinema Tells Schumer to Pound Sand

RedState: What exactly is Chuck Schumer doing? That’s the big question that’s emerged in light of his push to hold a vote on blowing up the filibuster. Ostensibly, he’s doing so in order to pass “voting rights” and save our “democracy” by having the federal government rig the 2022 election. But is that really his plan here?

I ask that because it’s been obvious since his “dear colleagues” letter was released that he doesn’t have the votes. Last night, Joe Manchin said he’s not on board. Now, Kyrsten Sinema has weighed in, letting it be known that her position hasn’t changed. She’s still against any maneuver that would eliminate the 60-vote threshold to pass any type of legislation. more

25 Comments on Sinema Tells Schumer to Pound Sand

  1. Back in the day, she could’ve kicked her shoes under my bed.

    Gotta say, when she was first elected, I had an entirely different outlook about her political stamina. No doubt she a leftest but she’s got an iota of respect for one of our traditions.

  2. Whenever you see a person in high office who is clearly a complete moron or lunatic, e.g. Schumer, Pelosi, Biden, AOC, etc., then they are merely puppets for an unelected cabal that pulls the strings on those idiots 100% of the time. They need to be idiots; so they won’t die of shame when they repeatedly say and propose stupid things and tell preposterously obvious lies.

    People like Sinema or Manchin probably run their own operations and have no interest in looking like complete morons and tools to the world at large. They self-respect won’t allow that.

  3. @ Kcir JANUARY 8, 2022 AT 9:12 AM

    I spent the wrong 7 months in Northern Ontario for work a few years ago.

    -40 was a regular morning occurrence for a few weeks. Absolutely miserable.

    The best advice I got from a local, who was preparing to retire, was that he was going to put his snowblower in the back of his pickup and drive south until someone asked him “what is that” while pointing at the snowblower.

  4. With Schumer, it’s about the absolute power to make or break people politically. He’s playing mind games with himself since he has no real power anymore. F Schumer.

  5. I think Schumer is trying to avoid a primary fight when he runs for re-election. Though being a failure, he can point to these recent actions and tell the left that he is fighting for them.

  6. OT:
    ^^^ ” -40 was a regular morning occurrence ”

    When it gets really cold here, I turn the outdoor thermometer upside down.
    It just looks better, and may help.
    Its sort of what they do on TV with the covid statistics.

  7. I agree with two points stated. Schumer is told exactly what he will and won’t be allowed to do.

    He is a senile meat puppet like the Pedo and Nazi Nan.

    The other is that this is a desperate political calculation to shore up his flank from an AOC assault.

    Oh, and a third point, he is a piece of shit garbage human being.

  8. I like the expression “Pound Sand”, but it’s a bit better and more empathetic in its complete description.

    I recall it as being something like,

    “You need to go get an itty bitty hammer and go squat next to a sandbox, then use that hammer to pound every bit of that sand and the box up your ass.”

    …it just strikes me as being a bit more of an unpleasant thought if you add a slow mechanism and some descriptive imagery to it, and formatted as a specific instruction they should be following to boot…

  9. I say ask Ms Lindsey, she knows everything that goes on under the ..
    including diddling those nice young boys, hambonehead talks about. Where is Ms Lindsey, in the closet, always can be found diddling something in the closet.

  10. Trust Sinema and Manchin at your own risk.
    Every move they make is calculated. Most of their public statements and decisions are designed to get them re-elected. One is in “purple” state, the other is in a red state.
    They are not moderate, not even close.
    There is no moderate democrat. no such thing exists.
    Rush Limbaugh said it. You cannot work with the democrats. They have to be defeated. He was right.

  11. Cryin’ Chuckie Schumer left out the part where he accepted Jeffrey Epstein money and ‘contributions’ since the 1990s and with his name highly likely on the child raypist Maxwell woman’s little black book.

  12. Yo, I lived near Duluth,MN for 30 years.
    When somebody from Florida would complain about their weather, I’d tell them the only big difference between us is, in Duluth, we get ice with our hurricanes.

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