SINema’s Fashion Sense – IOTW Report

SINema’s Fashion Sense

Yikes. This is the new congress.

I don’t think it’s too revealing, I just think it’s ugly.

ht/ illustr8r

50 Comments on SINema’s Fashion Sense

  1. It’s not funny. It’s not appropriate, either. Save your mini skirt and and thigh highs for your personal stuff, not our congress. I don’t care how “hot” you think your body is.

  2. @BFH:

    I don’t think it’s too revealing, I just think it’s ugly.

    Me, too.

    Honestly, I kind of like the fact that, starting with DJT, more pols are walking away from the phony stodginess of DC. Establishment pols are largely obsessed with the whole concept of gravitas all the while screwing their constituents and robbing taxpayers.

    During the hot and humid DC summers, I’d like to see some of them show up in sandals, shorts, and T-shirts. And maybe a bunch of red ball caps… (-:

    Edit: It isn’t DJT’s attire I’m talking about, I’m talking about his talking!

  3. This is really pissing me off, now that I’m examining it closer. What the hell is next?! And you know she is just itching for someone — man or woman — to make something of it. You know she is, because radical activists get high from being ‘dissed and they want to start screaming at someone over something, anything. This isn’t “you’ve come a long way, baby.” This is just plain horse $hit. This is her poke in the eye over something she doesn’t even understand. Does she even know how many died young or died broken so she could klump around in that chamber in her ode to women’s rights? What a complete fool she is.

  4. I’m so old I remember when there was a dress code in the Senate and House, one for men and one for women.
    Heck even school teachers had a dress code, one for men and one for women.
    The other day I saw a picture of a teacher somewhere, a man dressed as a woman in hooker boots and a mini skirt.
    This woman dressed like this just shows it won’t be long and we’ll be seeing a carbon copy of the teacher in the Senate or House.

  5. She’s a reflection of those who voted for her. Well, cept for the dead voters, of course. No idea what the illegals who voted for her think. Or the double voting snow birds. And, don’t forget: The swamp used every dirty trick in the book to get McCain-in-a-dress as the Republican candidate to challenge this thing.

  6. AA-
    because radical activists get high from being ‘dissed >

    Nail, meet hammer.
    That’s why they look like freaks. They want to be criticized. It’s the prologue to a lecture.

  7. The lack of decorum in the U.S. Capitol just reflects how societal mores have become informal and laxidasical. Remember dressing up for church, airplane and train travel, court appearances? Even some employers skip formal attire for job interviews.
    Demwit socialist politicians like this narcissist take advantage of the cultural slide into the lack of civility, which fosters chaos and crisis – tactical consequences of socialism to gain power.
    BTW, crisis, according to Rahm Emanuel, a Demwit cadre, should never go to waste.

  8. From what my AZ friend told me: She got elected because mcSally was a bitch. She was eye-rolling Trump at the beginning and she didn’t fight for herself and she wasn’t clear on any issues and what she stood for. She ran a McCain campaign. She wasn’t believable. She thought the seat was hers and she kicked back. (I guess she knew. lol)

    Skankboots went out just before November and mingled with the vets, dressed up like the flag and was all centrist and smiles. Even her ads were centrist.
    McSally did what? She lost.
    Ducey promised McCain he’d give her the seat so that’s the only reason her ass is in it.

  9. She’d be right at home under some New Orleans lamp post or a head shop. She’s just childishly thumbing her nose at convention.
    She’s not the trend setter she thinks she is, we’ve had that idiot running around up there with sequenced plastic cowboy hats for years.

  10. She has that cheap look that your radar will scream gonorrhea when sizing her up. She’ll just about guarantee an embarrassing trip to the doctor for treatment and a scolding.

  11. Oh, please!

    Bella Abzug’s hat.
    Frederica Wilson’s hats.
    Bernie Sanders’ “shabby” chic.
    Jackson-Lee’s coiffure.
    Bow ties.
    Chuck Schumer’s face.

    There’s no dignity left in either the Senate or the House.
    No statesmen.
    Few Americans.

    Mostly grasping, greedy opportunists.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Well, maybe we should give her credit for dressing like a sellout whore, albeit a low to middle priced one, seeing how that is what populates most of the House and Senate nowadays.
    My apologizes to the hard working Washington D C prostitutes who actually give a return for what they’re paid.

  13. Yes, this woamn is disgusting. Yes, she is an arrogant ass. Above all, remember that she is a traitor.

    Mccain’s revenge from the grave, and McSally’s rino folly.

  14. You don’t wear hooker boots with a pink dress in January.

    Even that little crossdressing 10 year old boy knows that.

    Thanks, Arizona. From McCain and Flake to this dumb slut.


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