Singapore repeals colonial-era law banning sex between men – IOTW Report

Singapore repeals colonial-era law banning sex between men


 Singapore on Sunday repealed a colonial-era law banning sex between consenting men.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced in a televised address that the city-state would repeal the law known as 377A and “decriminalize sex between men” undoing the law enacted during British rule in 1938.

“I believe this is the right thing to do and something that Singaporeans will accept,” Lee said.

LGBTQ activists in Singapore hailed the decision as “a win for humanity.”

“We finally did it, and we’re ecstatic that this discriminatory, antiquated law is finally going off the books,” activist Johnson Ong told the BBC. “There’s a sense that maybe it took a little too long, but it had to happen, you know. Today we are very, very happy.”

The government had previously planned to keep 377A, which does not apply to sex between women, in place while pledging not to enforce it but Lee said that “gay people are now better accepted” and repealing the law would put the nation’s laws in line with “current social mores, and I hope provide some relief to gay Singaporeans.”


14 Comments on Singapore repeals colonial-era law banning sex between men

  1. Thus Singapore becomes another Asian cesspool of depravity.

    Makes you wonder why Lee Kuan Yew dedicated his life to stopping Communism and Colonialism in Singapore, just to have it fall to Satanism.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. As seen in the US, they’re trying to increase the homo std monkeypox and AIDS, for the purposes of developing new and more weaponized “medicine cocktails” and vaccines to assault ALL people with.

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