Singapore’s Nagging Robo- Dog “Spot” – IOTW Report

Singapore’s Nagging Robo- Dog “Spot”

The Week

A good way to get people to take social distancing seriously is to send a horrifying robot dog to yell at them. At least, that’s the thinking in Singapore, where a four-legged robot innocuously named “Spot” is patrolling the grounds of Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park to remind people to keep six feet apart, The Straits Times reports. More

See “Spot” spying on citizens and playing a recording for violators to properly distance from others. Watch

30 Comments on Singapore’s Nagging Robo- Dog “Spot”

  1. i love the fact that the citizens are willing to defy the government dictators that show they will not bend to the government abuse of their rights when it comes to the illegal shut down.

    when will the citizens show such defiance over the coup staged by the democrats, deep state and obama administration and demand forcefully that these traitors suffer for their treason?

  2. Those things are pretty good at avoiding being knocked over, avoiding obstacles in their path and such.

    But I wonder how well they would fare against a snare tethered to a tree? Or maybe hanging from a tree?

    The’re gonna end up here, doesn’t hurt to think about the possibilities in advance. I think it’s usually called preparedness.

  3. The whole 6ft distancing rule was pulled out the asses of our supreme leaders.
    I have read two study’s claiming the distancing should be in the neighbourhood of 27ft,and aerosols can linger in the air for up to 3 hrs.
    Don’t now how to link it but one study is from a article from April 1st,the other i forget.(I’m old)

  4. Alexb,

    Depends on the situation.

    For instance, direct sunlight contains significant percentages of UV-A2, UV-B, and UV-C light, all of which kill airborne viruses and viruses on surfaces (and usually fairly quickly).

    You’d think the same about windows and indoor air, but most modern windows -thermopanes- are coated to stop UV from passing through them to avoid bleaching the color out of window coverings and other things in the light.

    Now that suggests something to inquisitive people – Could UV be used to sterilize interior air and surfaces? Yes it can and there are actually devices that are intended to do this, they usually use UV-C light and are almost all done by LED’s now but the old sterilizer bulbs that were used in clothes dryers are also available if you look hard enough for them.

    A pretty easy thing to make yourself if you are of a technologically creative bent and would rather make than buy one.

    I’m surprised they are not in widespread use in medical facilities and retail stores.

  5. Singapore is an absolute authoritarian police state. Spent a year there. Avoid at all costs but for 2-3 luxury visit or corporate job paying $$$$ (cost of living is off the charts too).

  6. …machines are’t great at depth perception, and it can’t have a laser that scans near objects with accuracy and far objects reliably at the same time, so it likely doesn’t percieve smaller objects with its optics. It’s probably really a drone with a human operator, but a human operator is going to be looking at faces, not terrain. It likely has a rotating laser in it’s “Face” for distance ranging and safety purposes, but this is not likely to be able to guard it’s legs, I don’t see any devices of that type below its torso. Even if it DID have one, though, such things usually don’t get more accurate as far as guard thickness than “finger safe”, meaning they can scan down to the width of a finger, and THAT’S only if you’re willing to accept a LOT of emergency stops in a mobile application, so it may be wider, “Arm” or “Foot” safe instead.

    …So yeah, just like the SS guy on the motorcyle before them, a strategically placed piano wire ought to do it, just sayin’, with a charged one that could REALLY seal the deal…

  7. Let’s invent something! One of those large fishing nets retrofitted with a steel netting, come up behind that THING and drop the net and walk back.

    I have never seen one of these things getting through a snow or rain storm…yet, I did not see the mini windshield wiper…

    Oh, I thought the guy walking @1:55 was going to get it in the back with a fullton torpedo…pew/pew…pew/pew!

    Cool, and amazing tech…but just too creepy in THIS application.

  8. Mja — negative on whipping for littering or gum they arent that harsh. You may get fined (no physical punishment) if you are chewing gum on public transit. They do use the cane but not often and i dont think its horrific punishment tho im sure it gets your attention–its not like those lashings across the bare back while tied to the mast that would .5 kill you in the old movie scenes. An American kid got caught keying a car when i was there and they gave him a few whacks but he survived. The people are pretty solid and you can have fun as a tourist but the govt runs a tight ship! Its single party and they dont like dissent. Dont tee off on the govt loudly in public and youre ok. Oh they also really dont like illegal drugs thatll get you in big trouble.

  9. Singapore:
    Caning for Littering.
    Death for drug-dealing.

    Lee Kwan Yew kept out the Communists AND the British!

    I’d leave the Robot-Dogs alone.

    izlamo delenda est …

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