Singer performing at Paris terrorist attack – “Until no one has guns, everybody has to have them.” – IOTW Report

Singer performing at Paris terrorist attack – “Until no one has guns, everybody has to have them.”


Jesse Hughes, frontman for Eagles of Death, is supporting Donald Trump for president.

The Guardian a 19-minute, at times tearful interview, Hughes on Monday said that restrictions on guns in France had helped to enable the terrorists.

“Did your French gun control stop a single fucking person from dying at the Bataclan? And if anyone can answer yes, I’d like to hear it, because I don’t think so. I think the only thing that stopped it was some of the bravest men that I’ve ever seen in my life charging head-first into the face of death with their firearms.

” I think the only way that my mind has been changed is that maybe that until nobody has guns everybody has to have them.”

“I don’t go anywhere in America without a gun anymore. That sucks. And I’m not paranoid. I’m not a cowboy… but I want to be prepared.”


9 Comments on Singer performing at Paris terrorist attack – “Until no one has guns, everybody has to have them.”

  1. He’s right of course-won’t matter to the gun haters. I’m sure it kills them to hear common sense like this.

    Or from Trump who cites the Paris attacks all the time saying if there were just a few people with guns, maybe a couple on some ankles, and the bullets were going the other way…

    The good sense that God gave you as my mom used to say, was never a strong suit for REGressives.

  2. I thought about responding to Boom about the has-been Trump comment, but you just can’t fix stupid, especially when he doesn’t understand the definition of the term.

    Poor Boom doesn’t realize Trump has accomplished more in a day that he has in all his sorry, bitter life. Trump is also more popular than ever.

  3. TO boomlet and anon

    You did not read the article, if you had, you would have realized you both need to wipe the trolling off your faces.

    He is a French musician of the Group
    (yeah, that’s part of their name)
    criticizing those who prevented
    the victims at Bataclan from defending themselves.

    You both DISGUST me.
    But then, trolls only know trolling.

  4. I’m betting boom is magnum, same derangement, same clipped writing. Same over the top Cruz support.

    How fucking transparent but I knew he couldn’t stay away. It was fairly peaceful for a bit while he made his transformation. Cruz losing by 20+ points in SC might shut him up for a while.

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