Sioux Leader Wants Presidents Removed From Mt Rushmore [Without Damaging the Environment] – IOTW Report

Sioux Leader Wants Presidents Removed From Mt Rushmore [Without Damaging the Environment]

Washington Examiner

The president of a South Dakota tribe called for Mount Rushmore to be removed, so long as the removal does not harm the existing environment.

Oglala Sioux President Julian Bear Runner told the Argus Leader Thursday that he believed the massive carving featuring Presidents Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, and Thomas Jefferson should be removed from the area, which he considers to be part of the Sioux’s Great Sioux Reservation.

“I don’t believe it should be blown up, because it would cause more damage to the land,” said Bear Runner. “Removed but not blown up.” More

36 Comments on Sioux Leader Wants Presidents Removed From Mt Rushmore [Without Damaging the Environment]

  1. Wasn’t that guy dressed up like an American indian an actor from Italy or Brazil? LOL!!

    Yeah, take down Mt. Rushmore? Ain’t gonna happen. Although there should be a step up on security in case some anti-fa lunatic thinks he can rappel off the top and stuff some dynamite up Lincoln’s nose…or something.

  2. you chose to continue a way of existence that perpetuated a singleness to life w/out growth (which included enslavement of women & conquered people as chattel property & raping the environment)…. except for the European introduction of equine animals into your lives, you did not advance

    I’ll pull a page from the ’70’s about Viet Nam …you lost … get over it

    tired of this shit

  3. Why isn’t there any smart assed comments about the “Crazy Horse Monument”? It’s because you don’t know shit about it’s origins, it’s history, what it’s become and where it might go. so I’ll give you a clue. It got turned over to the indian nations to manage and it will never be completed….Now some South Dakota fella, fill in the blanks to the ignorant….

  4. You Know What I Mean
    “What have you been smoking in that peace pipe?”
    Probably a big hand full cash. Some shit ass deal that puts money in his pocket.
    It’s the Democratic way.

  5. thinking of changing my nick to ‘Tired Of This Shit’

    the other day I went to my Cardio Doc for an echogram & a vascular scan. the tech scolded me to wear my facemask properly (not around my chin, or eyes, as Joe Biden would do) … not asking; ordering! … I immediately remarked, “why are the dr.s’ office people the biggest Nazis? no shit, she said …….. (you ready for this?) ….”I’m just following orders” … I replied, “Exactly!”

    Tired of this shit … Don’t throw that ‘wear your mask’ shit at me! I am a human being & don’t conform to some clown’s illegal dictate whom I didn’t vote for in the first place, that infringes on my God-given Constitutional freedom. you want to be controlled, that’s your choice … move to China or NY, slave

  6. Let’s replace the entire facade of Mt. Rushmore with a giant ROCK HARD likeness of my Petey B snuggled real tight next to my larger than life granite unbleached elastic starfish!

  7. There are people in our country that have lost their collective mind’s. What is to be done? I am almost afraid to read or listen to the news anymore.

    I pray for America, that it awakens from it’s slumber. I fear we have lost our will to fight for what’s right.

  8. This squaw and others are living in the conditions they are because of their typical stupid and negative attitudes. Maybe for once they could try suggesting some positive contributions for the country. Or you can just go back to your broken down mobile home and stay drunk.


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