Siri Likes To Listen To Couples Having Sex – IOTW Report

Siri Likes To Listen To Couples Having Sex

Zero Hedge

Should it come as any surprise? And yet the details are shocking and outrageous. A whistleblower working for Apple has revealed to The Guardian that its popular voice activated spying device helpful virtual assistant Siri, now in millions of households, “regularly” records people having sex, and captures other “countless” invasive moments which it promptly sends to Apple contractors for their listening pleasure “quality control”:

“Apple contractors regularly hear confidential medical information, drug deals, and recordings of couples having sex, as part of their job providing quality control, or “grading”, the company’s Siri voice assistant, the Guardian has learned.” More

21 Comments on Siri Likes To Listen To Couples Having Sex

  1. Son gave his mother or should I say both of us one of those devices. Not in my house! Never got taken out of the package and sent to here libtard brother in South Florida…

    Not that there’s anything to record in this household anymore, anyway…

    Officer, officer, I wish to report an assault with a dead weapon!

  2. You just know that there might possibly be a little video camera in there as well. Call me a little paranoid but I will never have a Siri or any other electronic device whose soul purpose is to spy on our every move, deed, words and even our thoughts.

  3. BULL SHIT “SIRI” like to listen to people having sex . The people on the other end of the SIRI like to listen to people having sex. Also the people who programmed the DAMN Thing Like to do it as well. What a bunch of PERVERTS they can’t get any so they eavesdrop on other people Doing it.

  4. I tried using one of my client’s Alexa while on-site. Alexa did not “understand” most of the conservative talk radio hosts I asked it to tune. I’ll never have one of those devices in my house.

  5. This kind of thing is why I avoid upgrading my electronic gadgets. At least I think my older techno stuff was made before they started being made with built in spying features. When what I have dies, I might have to just do with out them. I got on pretty well for 45 years or so without them.

    And I’ve no desire for a new one that requires a DNA test & retina scan to unlock the screen, but is always on recording sounds around me. I’ve already thought it might be a good idea to build a faraday box to put my cell phone when at home since I can’t remove the battery.

  6. Why I Ditched My Smart Phone .

    [“Well, according to a recent investigation by the Tucker Carlson clan, it turns out Google is hoovering up far more data than previously thought.

    So, I finally decided to take the plunge: I’ve switched to a DUMBPHONE, and I’ve never been happier.

    You can watch the Tucker Carlson Tonight video here: ***…

    It turns out that your phone is vacuuming up data – including barometric pressure, if you’re on foot or in a car, and precise location data – even when the phone has no SIM card and is in airplane mode.

    Well, we knew it was bad… But not THAT bad!
    Even airplane mode won’t save you… “]

    (recommended is the CAT B30 basic cell phone. Never heard of it before, but sounds like a functional cool option)


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