Sit Down And Write Yourself A Note… – IOTW Report

Sit Down And Write Yourself A Note…

((Your pen is behind your ear))

38 Comments on Sit Down And Write Yourself A Note…

  1. If you bleached starfish has itchy hemmroids only ask Brad to kiss it and make it better He has the smooth velvety tongue to make it feel better.

  2. We have a key chain near the garage door. EVERY SINGLE TIME I don’t put my keys back up on it I can’t find them when I’m ready to leave. “Oh I’ll remember I put them on my dresser.” Yeah right. Never fails! That’s one thing in life that’s consistent. LOL!

  3. I can relate !
    But #1 is for my “better half”. I don’t shop; makes my nuts Hurt! She asked me to go with her thousands of times between 1/29/66 (wedding) and 2006. She has hoped “on line” the last 15 years; and does go for “the free shipping”! I care not what GWB says; to me this shows man and WOMBmen are different.

    Even if I don’t hear them I sure as – can smell em!

    Not only do I – on are occasions (ha) say first thing in my mind; I sometimes type it.\Reread my past remarks at IOTW! My valid excuse is age. I was 11 when OPERATION WETBACK started! I was sure it was right then and still am sure it was right!

  4. @Jerry Mandarin
    Years ago, my husband and his brother hiked to the top of a dormant volcano.
    My brother in law, set the keys down on the ledge while he took pictures.
    They hiked back down, only to realize that brother in law had left the keys on the ledge.
    He has also left his wallet in a U Haul truck that he returned.

  5. Thanks for the Fats Waller song and video. now, where’d I put my glasses, car keys, wallet, pen and various other sundry small items when I went to bed last night. Sometimes I swear that there’s a small black hole that sucks all these things up and deliberately hides them from me, either that I’m getting old and just plain forget where I left them.

  6. One Sunday night at a customer in Hamilton, Montana I thought that I had lost the keys to the rental van that I was driving that day. When I got ready to leave, I couldn’t find those keys anywhere and I looked high and low and everywhere for them. I even got the owner of the floral shop to help me look for them and was starting to panic that I had really lost those keys. After a half hr. or so the owner’s wife who was smarter than both of us asked me to check that small key pocket on my jeans to see if the keys were in there and sure enough that’s where I had put them. Boy, was I embarrassed, I never even thought to check there as I hardly ever use that small pocket. Now I know what that small pocket is for and I won’t do it again.

  7. The first 5 years or so living in my house I’d constantly misplace my wallet and think to myself while looking for it, “you’ll never find it stupid, it’s really lost this time, someone has stolen your identity, why do you always do this, just remember for once where you put it.” Right when it was time to leave, spend 5 minutes running around the house, upstairs, downstairs, digging thru yesterday’s pants, jackets, cursing at myself only to find it usually in my car. Like a freaking dumbass. Tools is another one, between basement projects, garage projects, shed projects, yard projects, tools move around too much and don’t get put back.

    Yea it took me years to grow out of that and finally start putting things in proper, consistent, places. Such less stress.

  8. @ Geoff
    When I’m working I call that my secret pocket, because I have all the different driver bits I use. I keep them in a eyeglass bag that is durable. Sometime I will put a customers key in there. I like have stuff with me to a point, must be 10 lbs in my pant pockets and belt. Works for me.

  9. OK, not directing this at anybody here. I’m a guy that has looked for my glasses for 15 minutes while they were propped on my forehead.
    I have two boys that when they come to visit dump everything out of their pockets, Wallet, car keys, on the closest flat surface. What the hell? That’s what pockets are for. To much weight? I don’t get it. And when they leave, it always the big search. Drives me nuts.

  10. I came home from grocery shopping and put everything away, an hour later I want to go out and can’t find my keys. I look high and low, retrace my steps etc. but just can’t find them. I usually leave them dangling from the door lock, but not this time. I know they’re in there somewhere, I figure I’ll come across them eventually. Couple of hours later I go to get some ice cubes, and there are my keys sitting in the freezer. Total brain fart.

  11. I have a Fenton banana boat I put all the shit from my pockets into. My keys are on a sash chain, and my wallet is on another chain attached to the sash chain.

    I lost my keys long ago working for the telco, so I’ve done the brass sash chain ever since. I’ve changed back and forth from leg wallets to pocket wallets depending on the condition of my back, but I find leg wallets suck no matter what. A police officer once asked me for my license and I went straight to my leg without telling him… I just didn’t think. He got tense, and then asked me where my gun was.

    Anyroad, the banana boat holds everything, the pistol, wallet, keys, knife, comb, and whatever change I have.

  12. BTW, the keys on my chain have no ignition keys. Only door keys for all the cars and house(unless that happens to be the same key as the ignition).

    I always leave the ignition keys hidden in the car. That’s less shit for me to have in a pocket.

    My pocket watch is also on a chain, either in a waistcoat pocket, or the breast pocket of a coat. That hole in your lapel is for your watch, and/or wind-trolley for your hat.

  13. My summertime attire is cargo shorts, a G19 with a We The People ITWB holster attached to a gun belt along with a spare mag and pouch, another spare mag in a pocket, an Inertia Knife(right front), keys, wallet, can of cope. And I’m good carrying it all day. I don’t get it. Weak hips. WTH?

  14. Holsters change for the seasons, and sometimes not for the better. I prefer a shoulder holster, but those are hard to tie down on high waist trousers whilst wearing a waistcoat. I generally carry on an ankle holster these days. It is the only thing that works all the time, no matter what I’m wearing in public.

  15. ^^^^ Sunny Crockett would die quickly these days.You better be at or under 1 second to the first shot. Or you lose these days. Shoulder holster will not get you there. every day we get closer to the Wild West. Courtesy of the Libtard Dem party and the European Elites.

  16. Yes, as has been said by William Porter, I paraphrase, “They had no holsters, and shot through the pockets of their coats”.

  17. I would often find my coffee cup in the microwave and realize evidently I didn’t really need that caffeine at that time.
    Of course now I have a stupid fucking microwave that won’t shut the fuck up until acknowledged.
    Obviously designed by a woman!

  18. Parked a newly rented rental car in a Atalanta GA empty mall parking lot early one morning. Wandered the mall for hours and later in the dark came out to a packed parking lot. That was a mistake.

  19. I use my business cell to find my personal cell, and versa vicea…
    It’s amazing how having two large dogs can distract you.

    I also buy 20 pairs of reading glasses and seed them around the place.


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