Site note – IOTW Report

Site note

I am disabling the thumbs-up widget. I will find another.

The makers of the widget installed a time release change in the app that requires a paid upgrade to prevent it fromĀ bloating up with stupid messages promoting themselves. It’s bogging the comment section down. They made no mention of this when I installed it.

23 Comments on Site note

  1. Yep.
    There was a time when there were dozens of thumb widgets.
    Now they all want to be paid before even installing.
    If it doesn’t work or it sucks you’re out 30 bucks a shot.

  2. I know little of the programming, site development, widgets, etc. or the frustrations you experience in making this site as good as it is and your efforts to make it even better.
    THUMBS UP !!!!

  3. Thanks for all you do BFH. Keep up the good work. I’m sorry that this site is such a royal pain in the petute, but Iove you for your persistence and endurance. When I get onto this site, I feel less alone. Again, thanks for all you do!

  4. @Tired Mom: AMEN!

    ā™«ā™Ŗ For he’s a jolly good fellow,
    ā™«ā™Ŗ For he’s a jolly good fellow,
    ā™«ā™Ŗ For he’s a jolly good fellow,
    ā™«ā™Ŗ And only Larry the Liberal/Collectivist Epistemological Throwback can deny!

  5. @BFH – I sure hope the plugin we’ve got now is satisfactory from a site management perspective. It works OK from the users’ point of view. Simple and obviously a lot faster than that cruddy RatingsWidget.

    p.s. Watch out for neighbor mohammadmen, please. That’s not a joke.

  6. loco, BB rightfully fingered you as MR. TD.
    It was never refuted by management.
    Don’t try to pin it on me!
    After all, I get more TDs than anyone and don’t want the competition.

  7. JohnS, you know the deal is in the long run I Loco cracks me up. You on the other hand have an agenda. You’re just not very good at executing it. In fact you suck at it.

  8. BB, I probably do suck at doing what you imagine me doing.
    I do a bit better at the things I am actually doing.
    You, on the other hand, have apparently decided to take suck as a lifestyle rather than investing the effort to change your circumstance.
    Seriously Brad. If you have half the skills you claim there is no reason you can’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps and succeed in spite of corrupt cesspool we live in.

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