Site Notes – IOTW Report

Site Notes

People still want to drop links in their comments. We have suspended that option until the bombardment of spam has subsided. So, your comment will be held in pending until I see it and approve it.

In the meantime. Get creative.

-Here is a Rumble video – > There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine

Go to rumble and paste that title in and the video is easy to find.

No need to put the link in.

-Here’s a Dianny post –>patriotretortDOTCOM/the-lame-blame-game/

I replaced the .com with the words DOTCOM. Paste in browser and replace the DOTCOM with .com.

If you want those stupid spam comments to go away we have to be a bit patient and creative.

29 Comments on Site Notes

  1. Yes, it might be a pain, but considering the option, a little discomfort is better than the get rich quick garbage.

    Thanks, Fur. I am forever, temporarily in your debt

  2. Even without a link in my statement, I’m still getting pushed to the side to “prove” myself and ask if I want to be whitelisted. So hurry up and whitelist me, already!

  3. In accordance with twatter and youtube policies, I think IOTW should ban misinformation sites as well. Any site that is a DOTGOV, any mass media site (ABC / CBS / etc.)

  4. Thank you, Fur!

    Some spammers have figured out we banned the http so they are leaving that out. Still have to delete them. I must have deleted 30 from last night and this morning.

    Keep up the good work, Fur.

    And everyone else … please be patient and do what Fur tells you to do. Thank you!

  5. Claudia
    And thank you too. Personally I’m noticing a big difference already. There’s been some good dialogue here lately. Well, there always has been. But readers can focus on the discussion at hand instead of being interrupted or side tracked by some Troll.

  6. I wish I could paste a screen shot here to show that all the x stuff may not always work.
    Brave browse and using Brave search engine.
    Typed in “xxxkamalaharris”
    Return results #1 choice was Pornhub. The number of X’s you put in does make a difference (unlike her).

    I was not surprised.

  7. I like spam.
    Fried spam with cheese on white bread … with mussard.
    Jill makes it for me cuz I tried to haf my way with the spam ………. an she saw me .

  8. On a serious note I am using a VPN and have to wait for moderation, but not always. Claudia or whoever is smart on these things do I need to turn off the VPN to have my IP work every time?
    I don’t want to make extra work for the admins.

  9. tctsunami, your last two comments were waiting for approval, which I did. I didn’t see anything in your comment to put you in moderation, so it’s something else.

    I approved about 6 other comments from readers, so I don’t know what triggered them. I’m sure it’s set for something other than what is said (other than the http part). I know a little about computers and the internet, but I last worked in that field in 2005. It’s gone waaaaaay beyond me now! 🤪

  10. Here is some fun relief from politics and war and death.
    These are Youtube video titles, just copy and paste into Youtube search and enjoy.
    This is true American Spirit and ingenuity.

    Crazy Rocketman: Riding the “Beast” jet engine go kart.

    Crazy Rocket-man: ACME Jet engine Skateboard.

    Crazy Rocketman: Test running the “Super Dragon” 450 pound thrust Pulsejet Jet engine.

  11. Hey Claudia,…”I see that turd who was trolling you is gone. Hopefully for good!”….

    Have you ever read Brad’s comments in the last 12 years or so?….He insults and threatens people. Says ignorant shit that he can’t defend and can’t be confronted on…..FFS’s keep Brad commenting and chase away other commenters. They’ll be like 25 of you left pretty soon based on the hoops you have to jump through to comment….Off to moderation I go

  12. ….no hoops this time….Hey Burr, What are the odds of Brad making Thanksgiving right now?…..I got Iowa winning the NCAA and I can parlay the two with really good odds….

  13. Willy Four Fingers, I’m in moderation. Which is O.K. I send the mods messages in the “plead your case” box.

    Just now I sent a bomb threat into the site. Everyone should evacuate and meet up in the street where we can smoke cigarettes and look worried.

  14. Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting my comment to go through. So let’s take this opportunity to help you out.

    You could always email fur. I did back in 2013. Still haven’t heard back from him on that one. But it might work for you.

    You could take a step back and realize Brad isn’t going to change so you might as well.

    You can completely ignore Brad and be the best Willy Four Fingers you can be. Thus inspiring others.

    VOODOO. nuff said.

    You could start your own website. I did that. Well….technically I took over a website. But I ended up paying the bills so it can be done.

    Or you could keep doin what your doin and continue to smash your head against a wall in frustration.

    Who knows? It may wind up killin one of you.

  15. People actually need https? How quaintly old school! It’s been a long long time since I used that. The search engine will pull it up regardless. Choose from the list presented. Super easy.

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