Site Notes – Comment Autofill – IOTW Report

Site Notes – Comment Autofill

I know awhile back people said the comment box will not autofill their name and email address (so their gravatar will show) and I looked high and low everywhere for an answer.

Still, no one knows the answer.

I can report, however, that after I performed an update on my operating system none of my autofills on frequently visited sites work. Chrome will ask if I want the password saved, I click yes and it never saves.

I’m opening this thread to see if anyone has discovered an answer that will help out.

I do know that if you click the empty field in our comments it will give an autofill suggestion so that you don’t have to type it manually. That’s something, at least. But has anyone found a permanent solution?

33 Comments on Site Notes – Comment Autofill

  1. I double click the empty name and email fields and my options come up….. not any help I know.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. There should be a website forum for administrators of your website program. My old website had one. I have no idea what runs this website but pretty sure it has updates and patches that are released for admins to keep their site current and bug free.

  3. Login info is OK to leave here but one should NOT let browsers have your passwords, there are several good ones, Ican only speak for LastPass, they will clean out your browser passwords and keep them safe for you.

    “Never” is the option to choose when a browser asks…

    Cracker~ has the best idea, should even survive Win10 updates! So, —just doubleclick. Not that tough. It no worse than holding “cntrl” for every link out of here, so I still have my main IOTW page tabbed… :O

  4. I never save passwords that lead to important things.
    I’m talking about playing a poker game, that sort of thing.
    I would never in a million years save a banking password on the computer, and I don’t recommend anyone else do that.

  5. I have not found a way to get back to the way things were before the Europeans slammed in their new privacy laws. I say that as though I know for a fact the two are related, but I can’t say that I do. But my educated guess is that browsers were updated by their publishers in some way to accommodate the Euros.

    I run my my preferred browser (Opera) with the autofill form option turned on. The effect is that when I click in the Name text box I see all names I have used on any site. If I start typing, the list shortens to show only those names that start with what I’ve entered. For iOTWreport, that is the single letter “u” for Uncle Al. The same thing goes for the Email field, and I have that set up so a single letter gets me to the right email address (I use multiple email addresses for reasons that are irrelevant to this discussion). Likewise for the Website field.
    The result is that after entering my comment,

    – I hit the Tab key
    – type the first letter of my name (“u”)
    – hit the down arrow to select the value I want
    – hit Tab
    – type the first letter of my email
    – hit the down arrow to select the value I want
    – type the first letter of the website url (“h”)
    – hit the down arrow to highlight POST COMMENT
    – and then hit enter.

    That sure seems like a lot, but it is repetitious pattern and it takes very little time/effort after you’ve done it a five or ten times or so. It is about ten keystrokes.

    This may work for a lot of you, give it a try. No, it isn’t as convenient as the way it used to be but it isn’t anywhere near as bad as having to type in the entire name / email / website info every time you comment. For me, that would be about 50 keystrokes.

    BTW – The “Website” field is optional.

  6. When I type “L” in the name field it shows “Lowell” in a box under that. I click on that box and it moves “Lowell” to the name field.

    My email is my full name in lower case so when I type “l” in that, it does the same thing as my user name but with the email info.

    I figure this is the price of not having a user login for the site. Does the site have a user login? If so, I’ve not found it.

  7. Its the new rules from the EU like uncle Al posted above.
    I only use one screen name for the most part so no problems, but I have not tried to post a comment on a euro site without putting in my email.
    Are we still using wordpress here?

  8. “The Treehouse,Knuckledraging ect. I am logged in full time so I don’t have to enter in my name every time.”

    You don’t have to enter anything? The fields are already loaded when you want to comment?

  9. @LocoBlancoSaltine:

    …the website is necessary for your avatar.

    Interesting. I find that only email is needed for gravatar. Hey! I’ve got an idea! I’ll test that…

    update: Yup, I left website blank and still got my psychedelic Lysander Spooner avatar.

  10. The biggest problem I’ve seen has been using the site from my iPhone. There’s no autofill at all — no dropdown of previously entered inputs — regardless of which browser I use. It kinda sucks, especially since I do most of my visits from my phone during my lunch break.

    If I use any browser on my laptop, I can type a letter and my previous inputs appear in a dropdown. But no pages load with the fields already filled.

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