Situational Awareness at its finest – IOTW Report

Situational Awareness at its finest

15 Comments on Situational Awareness at its finest

  1. mickey moussaoui, maybe they were onto these guys and their modus operandi from previous incidents and were on the lookout.

    Really creep how the pervs made a u-turn, as if they were going back for a second try. I hope the older gal told the young one to run and hide.

  2. I thought it was going to be a snatch-and-rob, up until the last.
    BRAVO, young lady shopkeeper.

  3. She leaves her phone on the cooler. For someone so aware that was a very unaware move on her part. Call me callous but I think this was staged perhaps as a training/informational video.
    The camera has pan and zoom w/ possible auto focus. The operator was aware of the man but neglected to zoom in on the face and the license plate. Keystone Cop move.

  4. It’s probably NOT staged.

    The camera likely has a 16:9 frame size (most current security cameras do), whereas Twitter’s frame size is 1:1. The panning of the “camera” was not something the camera was doing at the time of the event, but what the original poster had to do in order to show everything within the confines of a square frame.

  5. Brad: I was wondering where that was. It looks like the image is reversed.

    Mickey: I have seen dash cam videos on YouTube where the video has been zoomed in after the fact allowing for panning to follow the action. That might be what is going on here.

    While the phone on the cooler may be a little odd, it certainly is not outside the realm of possibility.

  6. And there was a person recording this on camera all this time, even panning and following the woman and the child?
    Please tell me this is genuine?
    It sure feels like was scripted or staged.


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