SJP chapters organize to ‘surround the White House’ after Hamas, other terror orgs call on students to ‘beseige’ Biden’s residence – IOTW Report

SJP chapters organize to ‘surround the White House’ after Hamas, other terror orgs call on students to ‘beseige’ Biden’s residence

Campus Reform: Several Students for Justice in Palestine chapters are set to travel to Washington D.C. to “surround the White House” just days after Hamas and other Palestinian organizations issued a call for students to “besiege” President Biden’s residence. MORE

14 Comments on SJP chapters organize to ‘surround the White House’ after Hamas, other terror orgs call on students to ‘beseige’ Biden’s residence

  1. Not my fight

    Also, sounds like their ginning up stuff now to tamper down on all the associates prior to Junes Super Delegate Heavyweight Bout.

    I’ll watch that one

  2. Like someone else mentioned, we need to stop giving them press coverage. Treat them like streakers at a ball game, just pan the camera away from stupid people acting stupidly.

  3. Kinda funny, really … justice for Palestine would be a double flash, a bang, and the sand-lot turned to glass (hopefully when being visited by the Retarded Pedophile Usurper and his entourage).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. They need to deport the non-citizen protesters and organizers, expel the students who are citizens and jail all of them (at least 30 days), students and non-students, if they don’t leave campus voluntarily. Any protester who enters DC should immediately be arrested, along with organizers and funders, and put in the gulag, like they did to the Jan-sixers.

    That, of course, will never happen. Biden will treat them to box lunches and put up outhouses for them, then invite/allow them to camp in Lafayette Square and take over St. John’s church, converting it into a mosque.

    Even the previous worst-president-ever, Jimmy Carter (also the worst ex-president), recognized the need to deport Iranian non-immigrant visa holders (condemning many to death at the hands of the Revolutionary Guard, if they ever returned to Iran) in order to safeguard domestic security.

  5. @ richard SATURDAY, 1 JUNE 2024, 7:51 AT 7:51 AM

    They have been seeing the wind for decades, the left has a history of settling internecine squabbles between factions with violence. The followers all have been inculcated with the beliefs that they are engaged in an asymmetric war with a superior enemy and it’s only fitting and just when the perpetrators of this shot are seen as oppressors and that the fucking idiots they have been encouraging turn on the bastards fueled by the notion that the ends justify the means.

  6. “Inculcated”


    I have been mentally searching for that word for a long long time. I knew it but couldn’t recall it. I always come (came) up with inviggle to describe thier internal infestations.



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