SJW ACLU Lawyer Attempting To Sue Widow After The Cash Cow Husband Dies – IOTW Report

SJW ACLU Lawyer Attempting To Sue Widow After The Cash Cow Husband Dies


If the reporting at DownTrend is accurate, a garden gnome waddled his way in front of a car in order to block its exit from a fundraiser while he held up a sign and chanted crapola the driver was not interested in reading, nor hearing.

The driver was forced to stop by the fascist, treading on his civil right to be left alone. His fellow fascist dramatically spins to the ground, and Mr. 4 x 4 finally gets out of the way and the driver leaves.

Just by happenstance, some time later the driver passes away.

With one cash cow down, he has no alternative but to turn his sites on the passenger in the car, the widow. What’s her offense? She said she felt as if they were attacking the car- a reasonable assumption when fascists step in front of your moving vehicle chanting activist inanity (There is also another tidbit about this woman’s story that gives the couple’s panic and paranoia plausibility.)

He’s suing the widow for defamation, saying she’s damaged his ability to counsel other SJWs, or something.


9 Comments on SJW ACLU Lawyer Attempting To Sue Widow After The Cash Cow Husband Dies

  1. Here’s hoping that Brendan Hamme (I’d call him “the Hammester” but that’s too cute for such an ugly man) develops foramenal stenosis of all 62 spinal nerves.

    (For those not into medical jargon, that’s just saying I hope he suffers pinched nerves in every single nerve in his back.)

  2. Good luck pursuing this lawsuit in Orange County. The only victory the ACLU lawyer can reasonably hope for is to avoid sanctions for frivolous litigation. Also, Rackauckas may find something to charge this yahoo with.

  3. Low budget fatty Avenatti probably lives with his well-off mom, who put him through law school. Either that or he’s “disabled” and living in a subsidized apartment. Everything about him screams “Relentless System-Worker”.

  4. The rolls of flab on that tub of guts would harmlessly absorb any shock produced by the vehicle. The driver should counter sue for extensive front end damage by the un-corralled beast.

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