SJW’s Butt Hurt Over Joke In New “DOOM: Eternal” – IOTW Report

SJW’s Butt Hurt Over Joke In New “DOOM: Eternal”

The creators of the DOOM franchise, Id Software, gave a sneak peek of their latest addition to the first person shooter monster series, DOOM: Eternal.

Like all previous DOOM games, the gates of hell have been opened and all matter of demons and hell spawn have invaded earth. Players are challenged to take them out in the most creative and gory means possible.

While those treated to the preview were impressed with the updated graphics and added features, some took issue with a helpful computer voice in the background advising players that “demon is an offensive term. Please refer to them as “mortally challenged.” More

10 Comments on SJW’s Butt Hurt Over Joke In New “DOOM: Eternal”

  1. I clicked through the video in question.

    BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Grrrrrahhhh!!!! BLAM! BLAM! “help make…” BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! ….mortal challen… BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!

  2. @SgtZim August 15, 2018 at 5:51 pm

    > They’re still going to make Mom buy the game for them.

    So the direct beneficiaries of Smash The Patriarchy™, will take some of the money they get from Hate Us, But Just Give Us The Opportunity To Fund The Rule of Law™™, and give it to aficionados of the dankest of memes?

    I take that as a Thumb Up™, from you?


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