SJWs elevate a man to hero and then a zero in a matter of moments – IOTW Report

SJWs elevate a man to hero and then a zero in a matter of moments

A hotel employee was called a n8gger by a customer. He was branded a hero because of the way he handled the woman, one of his remarks becoming a meme –Ā  “it’s above me now.”

It didn’t hurt that he was also gay. The parade was being prepared, then, some buttinski dove into his Twitter history and discovered, oh my lord, he doesn’t “get” the transgender thing.

Now he’s every bit the target the woman who made the epithet is. Probably more so because in the SJW hierarchy, transgender trumps black.


15 Comments on SJWs elevate a man to hero and then a zero in a matter of moments

  1. @left coast Dan: Of the many things libs have screwed up you can add the English language. Black folks have given the word ‘nigger’ so much power over them it’s ridiculous.

  2. Uncle Al
    JUNE 4, 2019 AT 10:42 AM
    “How can I fart in their general direction when Iā€™m surrounded?”

    …a nice, big, juicy one is really more like a mushroom cloud with you as Ground Zero, so if you have the gas, you can get the whole circle at once, just load up on cauliflower, broccoli, and refried beans and then go be their Hiroshima…

  3. @ TheRealTruthSerum

    If we allow the left to dictate which words we can use and how they are defined , then that’s what they’ll do. The word itself doesn’t bother me a bit because I know there are niggers out there. I also know that not all blacks are niggers nor are all niggers black. The first three names that come to mind when I hear nigger are Bill and Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder.

  4. Good definition —

    Quote “I realised that a nigger is not a person so much as a form of behavior.” ā€• William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury

    So watch your behavior.

  5. Come on now, we know that since MLK all Africans now want to be known only by the content of their character! Isn’t that why MLK is their hero so that they can now compete without special rules or laws or leeways or affirmative actions or slogans or hand outs?

  6. So, when a member of our vibrant melanin enhanced community hears “The Bad Word” on a phone from a stressed out white woman who immediately apologizes ā€¦. that’s national news

    Fifty blacks getting shot, with 10 dead in Chicago ā€¦ not so much


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