SJWs Hate the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special – They Are Recently Woke To Its “Racism” – IOTW Report

SJWs Hate the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special – They Are Recently Woke To Its “Racism”

Here’s the scene —>

They object to Franklin sitting alone on one side of the table. And they don’t like that he’s the only one in a lawn chair.

Franklin is unavailable for comment because he’s a fr***in’ cartoon.



Your “nigga”?
How DARE they put “your nigga” by himself!
How about this, darling? How about you stop calling black people niggas?
It’s offensive.
Am I woke now, why is Franklin in Charlie Brown Thanksgiving sitting all by himself at the table. Man. Things that I did not notice as a child.
Woke? No, you’re an idiot. Franklin being in the Peanuts gang was progress at the time. You want that we should all get into a time machine and change the 1973 cartoon to fit 2018 disgruntled and irrational sensibilities?
Good luck with that.



24 Comments on SJWs Hate the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special – They Are Recently Woke To Its “Racism”

  1. Good grief!
    They’re all sitting on different chairs. Also, the 2 on the ends are also sitting alone. And Franklin is dead center to where he can see everyone and everyone can see him. Also, Snoopy is the chef. He probably licked all the plates and glasses equally, right after he was licking his butthole. But everyone’s okay with THAT? LOL.

  2. BTW, Here are the reasons, artistically, why they may have put Franklin dead center.

    1. To ‘show him off’. They did everything but put 10 red arrows pointing at him! This was probably some SJW bullcrap back then.

    2. It’s HIS LAWNCHAIR. It’s funny. A black child can’t bring his lawn chair to a frickin outdoor event? How would they see the lawn chair in between the other kids’ chairs? He’d be sunk in between them.

    3. It’s a cartoooooon! lol

  3. Franklin was GIVEN the place of Honor at the table – NO ONE ELSE was allowed to sit with him because he was Honored! These folks have it all wrong – I’m stunned – They cannot see reverence for an honored guest.

    idiots all od ’em.

  4. “In all the years not one of the Peanuts gang stepped in any of Snoopy’s business.”
    Thinking about it, that may have been the real reason Charlie Brown kept slipping and falling ,trying to kick the football.

  5. Where’s the German kid Schroeder? He wasn’t even invited. See, SJW’s, in 1973, he must have been offspring of a couple of WWII Nazis, and he wasn’t invited to Thanksgiving dinner.

    Quit complaining, arsewipes.

  6. No, when you was a child the “nigga” wouldn’t have been invited to sit at the table with the white folks. I think Schultz did a great job of illustrating that all races can get along, even with Lucy at times.
    Those that stir the shit should be made to lick the spoon.


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