Skeleton Crawls from Hillary Clinton’s Closet, Gets Trump Off the Hook in New York Case – IOTW Report

Skeleton Crawls from Hillary Clinton’s Closet, Gets Trump Off the Hook in New York Case

Slay: The George Soros-installed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is reportedly preparing to arrest President Donald Trump next week.

These reports have been confirmed by President Trump who said in a post on Truth Social that he expects to be arrested on Tuesday.

Bragg is planning to arrest Trump for a misdemeanor campaign finance violation.

This comes despite crime-infested New York, like the rest of our Democrat-run cities, pushing bail and criminal justice reform on the public with disastrous results.

The programs sound good on paper but fall far short in reality.

Cities like New York, Chicago, LA, and Portland have seen violent crime explode after the reforms were put in place.

Only a small percentage of the population commits violent crimes and when blue cities let the felons out with no bail or on electronic monitoring, the habitual criminals did what habitual criminals do, they committed more crimes.

When Chicago catches a carjacker there is a near guarantee the thug is on bail or electric monitoring and has a long rap sheet.

So going after Trump for a misdemeanor seems like petty politics.

And when you look at the skeleton that just crawled out of Hillary Clinton’s closet, the New York case looks even more political.

Because Hillary Clinton was busted breaking campaign finance laws and paid a fine, along with the DNC, to settle the issue.

She was not arrested. MORE

5 Comments on Skeleton Crawls from Hillary Clinton’s Closet, Gets Trump Off the Hook in New York Case

  1. “The bipartisan election commission…” lol The Federal Election Commission is not bipartisan. It is unipartisan to its deep state core. Don’t ruin your article with nonsense, “Slay News”.


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