Skippy Peanut Butter Pulling Out of Canada- Many Canadians Freaking Out – IOTW Report

Skippy Peanut Butter Pulling Out of Canada- Many Canadians Freaking Out


Skippy lovers who’ve already figured it out have been stockpiling jars.

“I’m really mad at Skippy,” says Jim Hazzard in Alliston, Ont. He recently snagged a store’s last two jars and is trying to savour every bite. “I’m very careful how much I use,” he said.

“We’re a vast country with only 36 million people. The distribution costs are really high,” Charlebois said, adding that the extra cost of required French labelling may have also been a deterrent.

A desperate Lori May asked a friend working at a grocery store to investigate. “I said, ‘Put your feelers out there. For some reason, Skippy’s nowhere to be found, and I really need it.'”

The friend delivered the bad news that the product had been discontinued.

Larry May’s brother, who lives with the couple, brought home a jar of Kraft peanut butter, but that just didn’t cut it.

“It’s going to take him a while to go through that, because we won’t eat it,” Larry May said. “It’s just not as creamy, doesn’t spread right.”

The determined couple put out the word on social media and to friends that they were on a hunt for Skippy.

Amazon’s high prices turned him off. Current prices per jar range from about $10 to $30 for regular peanut butter to almost $100 for the “reduced fat” version. Shipping can cost extra.

In the future, the Mays say they’ll stock up on Skippy during U.S. shopping trips. They still have seven jars to get through, however.

Unfortunately for Hazzard in Alliston, Ont., he’s almost finished his stash of two jars of Skippy crunchy peanut butter — his favourite.

“I like the texture, I like the amount of nuts in the crunch,” he said. “It’s just great on toast.”


MJA says, “y’all want the Skip?”

She will run a deal with any Canadian hooked on Skippy.

Send her insulin, she’ll send a case of what you crave.


34 Comments on Skippy Peanut Butter Pulling Out of Canada- Many Canadians Freaking Out

  1. It’s not very hard to grind roasted peanuts, sugar, hydrogenated oil, and salt. Mix it all up in a bowl, call it a cigarette and go out for a rip, eh.

  2. *pulls up to border, opens trunk*

    Y’all needs the Skip?
    I got smooth, crunchy, super chunky, creamy, super creamy, chocolate, dark chocolate (awww yeaaaaauh), and natchrell.
    Single file, no yip yap, keep yo eye on the slip slap.
    Whatchu need, shug?
    Whatchu need?

  3. I would be more than happy to trade Skippy for my favorite Canadian blended – Crown Royal Reserve.
    My truck is 4×4, so we can meet far away from the prying eyes of the Mounties and CBP.
    I also can sing O Canada, to make you feel at home.

  4. Nabisco makes “Date Newtons” (lots tastier than Fig Newtons) in the US, but does not sell them in the US–only in Canada. Go figure. My sister from Toronto brings me a couple of packages whenever she visits.

  5. Smuckers all natural Ingredients: Peanuts, Contains 1% or less of Salt
    It’s peanuts and salt

    Skippy Ingredients: Roasted Peanuts, Sugar, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (Cottonseed, Soybean and Rapeseed Oil) To Prevent Separation, Salt. Allergen Info Peanuts (groundnuts) ingredients present.

  6. One of the stores I shop at has a peanut grinder for peanut butter and an almond grinder for almond butter. Nuts are roasted but no salt or sugar added, or anything, just the nuts please. Trader Joes also carries peanut and almond butter with no sugar added.

  7. FFS, It’s not like they are trying to replace Vegemite with Marmite or anything important.
    My fave PB btw is Laura Scudder’s nutty. Ingredients list is 1 item long.

  8. ‘adding that the extra cost of required French labelling may have also been a deterrent’. Please don’t give the mexican in the US activists any ideas.

  9. RottyLover, I know, right?

    Today, I spent $566.66 on two vials of Novolog.
    I can’t deal with this shit. I’m just gonna fill the bath tub with buttercream frosting, lay back and just let the sweet angels come take me home. 😩

  10. Unless other PB manufacturers have a secret distribution method that Skippy don’t know about, then their claim makes no sense.
    BTW – Try cashew pieces in a blender with a little oil and salt. Yawzir!

  11. I prefer Jiff just a little bit more, but Skippy is pretty good too. [compared to others]
    Actually, the best peanut butter I ever had was Adams, but they don’t sell it down here in AZ, my brother brought home a jar from Oregon. It was delicious.

  12. @Open the Door — You beat me to it. Costco carries Jif so that’s what we buy. Funny, Geoff C. and I were just wondering if Peter Pan still makes peanut butter. Hoody’s is a great local brand. Nothing but peanuts. You have to stir it to mix in the separated oil.

    @Joe6Pack — As you know, we live close enough to the border, too. I wonder how much time you get for smuggling peanut butter?

  13. I prefer Smart Balance Natural peanut butter. Adams peanut butter is also very good since it’s just peanuts with a little added salt and nothing else. I’m not a big fan of peanut butter with added sugar, that’s what homemade raspberry jam is for.

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