Slate Says Forget Bringing The Cranberry Sauce This Thanksgiving; Show Your Vaccination Pass Instead – IOTW Report

Slate Says Forget Bringing The Cranberry Sauce This Thanksgiving; Show Your Vaccination Pass Instead


As summer comes to an end and fall approaches, employers—including the federal government and some school districts and airlines—are enacting COVID-19 vaccine mandates, and New York City is requiring people to provide proof of vaccination if they want to dine indoors or attend a movie. American families need to set the same boundaries. Your unvaccinated relatives should not be invited to Thanksgiving.

It’s time to start making those phone calls and texts telling your guests to get their official vaccine cards or verification apps ready because they’ll have to show proof at the door. More

I imagine they’ll want you to give vouchers for booster shots come Christmas. – Dr. Tar

16 Comments on Slate Says Forget Bringing The Cranberry Sauce This Thanksgiving; Show Your Vaccination Pass Instead

  1. Okay to these fucktards – you vaccinated people are producing the varients and shedding them all over and you are already presenting ADE symptoms before your booster so I’d much rather have a totally unvaccinated Thanksgiving than risk being around any of you dopes anyway.

  2. I hope every single person who have pushed these damn things pay a severe price and I don’t care if it’s those who know the truth and still push them or doctors who are either stupid, don’t bother to research shit or know and still push them.

    When I hear a woman who less than two months ago, had a complete physical and was in perfect health gets a second shot has no symptoms except a knot in her arm yesterday afternoon and her husband gets up this morning and she’s dead. The damn shot killed her.

    So they can take their death jab and their yellow star cards and shove them up their ass. They need to line up and get a booster shot every damn day until it kills them. I’m trying real damn hard to not wish all of them dead as soon as they’re exposed to a cold, virus or flu.

  3. I will not ever willingly or unwillingly submit a vaccination permit to my family just to have Thanksgiving dinner with them. This has gone too far and is getting out of hand, they can kiss my ass and my sons as well, he will not submit either. And besides there is no way in hell that these bastards can enforce it short of going door to door. Whatever happened to freedom of association or does it have to have official govt. approval now? This is totally unconstitutional and will not stand. In the future only outlaws will have Thanksgiving dinner together as a family. And what about churches, the Salvation Army, the Union Gospel Mission etc. will they forced and required by the govt. to provide this info to the food Gestapo as well. I hate my current govt. at the Federal and state levels, my local govt. has so far resisted all this bullshit.

  4. Of course like true commies Christmas will be banned next because it celebrates the birth of Jesus and the commies can’t have us worshipping anything but their false gods of power and authoritarianism over us Zeks and Kulaks like what has happened in every commie hellhole of the past century.

  5. Conditional Thanksgiving — is this a thing now?!

    “Thank you Lord for all our blessings, although You & I know you coulda done more for me. (wink, wink)”

    These dumbshit Karens deserve WuFlu lung blood clots instead of sweet potato pie.

  6. This is the one for me. My family can make their own informed decision (one is a gov’t worker and the other a nurse). I will not be jabbed and I will go wherever they take me after I hopefully shoot a couple who come to get me.

    The vaccine is the reason for covid as a trans human conspiracy to screw us up so we can’t procreate (God’s prime directive “go forth and multiply”) and all become nephilim hybrids.

    Satan is trying to have his way. Humans will become obsolete (as God created us.)

    Believe it or not!

  7. One more thing about the family. I’ve heard of children telling their parents that they can’t see their grandchildren unless they get vaccinated. I’d be calling my lawyer and rearranging my Will and Trust. Let’s see – don’t get mad, get even. Children like that don’t deserve a penny of my money. They know not to try me.

  8. I don’t want to be around secular humanist progs in the first place, celebrating a Christian feast with them is not anything I am interested in. They are unwelcome and if that hurts their feelings, that’s just too Goddamn bad.


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