Slate: the electoral college is a rotten thing – 4 years ago it was a beautiful thing – IOTW Report

Slate: the electoral college is a rotten thing – 4 years ago it was a beautiful thing


ht/ c. steven tucker.

After Trump’s picks for SCOTUS, allowing 9 people to decide on weighty matters is going to be a relic that must be discarded.

When it’s controlled by the left, the Supreme Court is an oracle nearly filled by wise and just sages.

Controlled by the right, it’s a fascist system.

Besides the hypocrisy, what the left has always gotten wrong is that the Supreme Court doesn’t make law, they determine if  laws are constitutional.

They’re the ones who have abused it, Roe v. Wade being a perfect example. (A right to privacy?????)



9 Comments on Slate: the electoral college is a rotten thing – 4 years ago it was a beautiful thing

  1. Slate. MSNBC. CNN. ESPN.
    none should receive any more attention.
    Seriously. They are as annoying as a spoiled brat on an airplane flight.
    After a while you want to slap the mother for not being a proper disciplinarian causing torture for every one on board. The mother may be able to turn a blind ear to it.
    Everyone else just wants it to stop.

  2. They tried to steal Florida in 2000 – I remember it well here in Tallahassee. They were using the Gore won the popular vote thing – sounds familiar to today.
    In 2004, Dubya won both popular and electoral vote count and they were trying to steal Ohio so they could win on the EC even though they lost the popular vote.

  3. Besides the hypocrisy, what the left has always gotten wrong is that the Supreme Court doesn’t make law, they determine if laws are constitutional.

    Note, please, that this is a failure of the Constitution. The Supreme Court took constitutional review upon themselves in 1803 even though there’s nothing in the actual Constitution that grants that power. And no one has called them on it, either.

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