Sluggish Sweden Pols To Implement Age Testing Among Refugees – IOTW Report

Sluggish Sweden Pols To Implement Age Testing Among Refugees

What jerks. If Omar with the stubble on his face was passing for a 12 year-old, what hope do Swedes have that their government was able to weed out a potential terrorist? NONE. None at all.


Until recently it was dismissed by both politicians and bureaucrats that there would be unaccompanied refugee children who lied about their age. But now the Forensic Medicine Agency has been commissioned by the government to “urgently” implement a medical age assessment in the asylum process.

– I welcome it, says head of the Agency, Monica Rodrigo.

The project includes developing a process for how and with what methods age testing should be conducted.

Already today the Forensic Medicine Agency carries out medical age assessments, but only on behalf of prosecutors and police.


12 Comments on Sluggish Sweden Pols To Implement Age Testing Among Refugees

  1. The ideas that libs are so quick, and adamant to defend, are so indefensible that you lower yourself just to get to where you are communicating to them. They are causing us to self-destruct. Fuck, I can’t stand them,

  2. How about gender and height testing?
    Female, come on in.
    Male and female, under 4 feet (uhhhh. . .about 1.5 meters?), ok.
    Male, over 4 feet, “yer outta here!”.

    Oh, and if there are suspicions about who/what is under that walking black baggie, we get to do a Crocodile Dundee check.

  3. And besides that, how are you going to do an “age check” on a people where illiteracy is high and records keeping is almost non existent?
    Another case of Libtard feel good, do nothing, good intentions, that will get throats slit real quick.

  4. So last night I got a call from freind of mine, a Tactical Trainer. One of her employees called in sick and I agreed to get my sleepy as up at 0 dark thirty and make the trek out there to help her out with her class. So on the way back I get a phone call from my wife asking me to pick up a prescription from the local pharmacy we have been trading with for at least 20 years. Long story short, some one in a Burka handed me her medication. I handed it back. The pharmacist is watching this go down and steps around to the counter and asks me “What’s the problem”. I can tell he’s getting heated.mIntell him “no problem, we need to find a new pharmacy”. Now he’s pissed. So I tell him “My money, my choice, right?” He called me a racist and splits back behind the counter. Am I wrong? What better way to stage the Jihadi shit. But not with my wife.

  5. That muslim is practicing a religion / political system that instructs members to kill non members.

    How do you know whether that muslim is a good muslim or not?

    If he/she was a good muslim the meds would be adjusted such to be fatal for you to ingest.

    Just because the majority of this nation doesn’t realize it is at war doesn’t mean we aren’t at war.

  6. @bob_annon

    Easy test for for bad/good moslem……

    The bad moslem is the jihadi that’s cutting you head off……….

    The good moslem is holding you down.

  7. Bad_Brad,
    I don’t often agree with you, but on this one, I’d ask that “pharmacist”, “Since when did Islam, a RELIGION, become a RACE?”

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