Small Business Loans To Weather Pandemic Ran Out Today – IOTW Report

Small Business Loans To Weather Pandemic Ran Out Today


A $350 billion emergency U.S. loan program to help small businesses keep workers on their payrolls amid the novel coronavirus disruption has run out of funds, the U.S. Small Business Administration said on Thursday. More

Freedomtoons parodies what the world must look like to small business owners this afternoon. Watch

20 Comments on Small Business Loans To Weather Pandemic Ran Out Today

  1. I know of so called essential businesses that are doing OK but are signing up for the PPP free money giveaway. That mentality in this country is certainly a part of our problem. There is no such thing as free money. We didn’t sign up for it, (1) if you don’t need it don’t ask for it, (2) the last thing I want is more government paperwork. I hate what is going on right now.

  2. I’m fine with companies and their employees that just can’t make it without the support. I’m not pleased with those that would not be laying people off anyway, taking taxpayer assistance and consider it a gift from the heavens.

  3. I’m with you joe6 … there’s a ton of small businesses that won’t survive this D’Rat-made crisis & they need the support

    I just made my comment because there are those that need the optics to convince them to support PDT instead of blaming him … sad, but true

    P.S. don’t tell anyone that I told you this 😉

  4. Just got off an investment meeting and the financial adviser said that SBA is still accepting applications, pending additional funds.
    Our committee agreed to invest aggressively to take advantage of the low prices. In other words expecting the market to go up.

  5. Sad to say…
    He said Republicans and DimWits are working together,
    That Sir, is bullshit,
    Have the dimwits reloaded the paycheck program, NO
    Are the Dimwits trying to release every illegal alien the country, YES
    These answers are exactly the opposite of what you want!
    Nitwit Nasty is on her own team, her anti American attitude is reprehensible.

  6. @Joe6pak – I work for a company of twenty four years plus, a medium sized architectural firm. We have not been in the office for going into six weeks now and have been ‘working from home’. Exec orders don’t cha know…

    I was told as of today, the firm that I work for, GOT that loan. It was NOT easy to do that.

    One of the conditions of taking the loan/money is that you cannot furlough or can, fire for those in Rio Linda, any staff, so my job is somewhat secure for now. Who the hell knows moving forward?

    There are many situations going on now my fellow patriot. DO I want a bail out, NO, but no one here expected this. Do I want a check, NO, do I want a check signed by this POTUS? Yes! :>)

    It will certainly help and offset the money I spent at the local Home Depot on supplies…and seeds…ha ha!

    @WCD – the ABA, this morning, said that that fund ran out, no?


  7. I will invest no trust in a system that still cannot prosecute Clinton, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Biden, Obama, Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, etc., etc., etc…….

    It’s game over against the swamp.

    FU for ripping us off.

    Prove me wrong, Lindsey Graham et al.


  8. ghost, my problem with the PPP program, and it’s possible/probable that I don’t have a full understanding of it, but what I believe to be the case is that the money requested takes the form of a grant if the recipient can show that the money received went toward employee wages. Even if the employee would have continued earning a paycheck because the business remained active, the taxpayers will stuff that money into the pockets of the business owner. In that instance the business owner is a sorry SOB!

  9. It’s a shame only $350million went to save the Economy out of a $2 TRILLION emergency relief bill that ran 1400 pgs.

    Maybe Nancy can explain the necessity of the other ’emergency’ expenditures?

  10. Context:

    Turdeau, up here has a presser every day.
    He announces new policies that are not yet approved by parliament.

    The policy changes every 2 days.

    Citizens phone in or web access the “aid” and they quickly get told, ” call back in 2 weeks when the gov’t actually has a copy of the policy in hand to administer”

    My daughter, her boyfriend, and a school friend all got a different policy/answer/result today. All 19 years old with similar student income & education expenses.

    At least Donald J. Trump is reasonably consistent in a very fluid situation.

    Prime Minister Castro has the attention span of a Tic & the brain of a Gnat.

  11. joe6pak – my heart sank at the outset when he wouldn’t admit the actual truth of being mislead by Fauci (et al) at the start of the pandemic. He was sold a bill of goods by lying, incompetent bureaucrats who he is now defending (particularly, Fauci). This is not the fighter I expected. It seems they’ve got him “over a barrel.” Should I go on? I think this is enough for tonight.

  12. Jimmy, I don’t think that was the stage for that discussion. Like you, I hope it comes up. I do think Fauci has buried himself and his days in the sun may well be behind him. I sure hope so anyway. Another TRAITOROUS BASTARD!!

  13. The little shop I’m working at has applied several times for the assistance and been denied each time. Know of several other businesses where they got the same results. My bosses brother in law owns a huge construction company with several hundred employees that applied and received aid immediately. Somethings fishy with the way this is being done. The main reason I went back to work when asked is to help them stay afloat. We’re holding on by a thread.

  14. Just hurry up with an additional 2 trillion dollars of wasteful
    spending and pass the bill in a bipartisan vote. We all know how this is going play out .

  15. Joe6pack, the effect of this crisis is going to hit different industries at different times.
    There is a lot of attention focused on the effect of the shutdown on restaurants and retail but Ghost brought up his architectural firm and there are many businesses like this that spend months or years planning projects which are now being postponed and cancelled by clients. The effect of this shutdown will be felt for years in these businesses and those of their suppliers. Eight weeks of payroll protection is simply the most efficient way for the government to turn small business owners into immediate administrators of unemployment benefits, with the faint hope that some of them can use the time to streamline operations, find new clients, and maintain some staff beyond that.

  16. ode to pelosi/pees-loosely:
    .a dementia congressional-speaker
    .p***ed down her pantsuit on a sneaker,
    .she wheezed to her friends
    .this s**t never ends,
    .next time i’ll remember those super-depends

  17. @Little Morphin Annie – you are correct and I offer the following vid this morning, some have probably been taught this lesson, but perhaps others have not???

    ‘Remote learning from home’, todays vid, Milton Friedman and The Pencil:

    What goes into making a pencil? What are five/six elements that comprise a pencil, a very VERY simple object.

    Oh, btw, @LMA, I am just dedicated working ‘slob’, I do not actually own the firm, just been there ‘forever’. I just needed to clarify that one!

    As the POTUS says, ‘believe me’, I would love nothing more, right now, then to OPEN UP FOR BUSINESS already…but it will take some time, maybe not the market so much, but main street(s)…and that office I work in, is on a little main st in a small town, just north of NYC on the magnificent Hudson River.

    To YOUR point just add up all the days we have not been in the office that would be about almost thirty business days, times that by twenty employees.

    Can you imagine how the (3) delis, (2) pizza shops and diner are doing?? And that is just three types of business OUTSIDE our business that will be impacted.

    No work building permits are being issued for any NEW work until the exec order in NY state for essential vs non essential is lifted. Work in progress can continue if you can establish that you are maintaining social distance standards. How do tradesman do that??

    BTW, ‘they’ call it ‘social distancing’? More bullshit terminology btw, its’not only social, it’s DISTANCING, PERIOD. Social, work and otherwise…

    My future goal as a capitalist, is to keep strict ‘Socialistic’ Distancing.


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