Small government governors steadfast on not issuing stay-at-home orders – IOTW Report

Small government governors steadfast on not issuing stay-at-home orders

Nine Governors have yet to issue stay at home orders, seeking a way to keep life livable for their residents.

18 Comments on Small government governors steadfast on not issuing stay-at-home orders

  1. It’s time to get a handle on this craziness. I’m in a rural county NE Ohio and there’s no indication of disaster. We have to figure out how to have our voices heard and end this now

  2. Go small government governors!

    In the more eastern realm of my county, people are obviously ignoring WA Gov. Inslee’s stay-at-home order. Yesterday, various large stores (Home Depot, Tractor Supply, Kroger/Fred Meyer, etc.) were very busy.

  3. They’d better not attempt to search my home for a damn thing. Things here are pretty normal, considering. Took the cat to the vet this morning. Went grocery shopping yesterday. Got the truck inspected Monday. Rode my motorcycle through the neighborhood yesterday and had good conversation with several people, from six feet of course.

  4. A lefty clown wrote this. he claimed that the WH “touted”
    the drug. Def:”describe or advertise boastfully; praise extravagantly.”
    The only thing I heard Trump say is “it way work. Let’s
    try it and see if it does” and these the proggy scum went
    nuts to claim it was everything fron snake oil to poison
    to a way for Trump to get rich.
    I despise these hateful bastards.

  5. A lefty clown wrote this. he claimed that the WH “touted”
    the drug. Def:”describe or advertise boastfully; praise extravagantly.”
    The only thing I heard Trump say is “it may work. Let’s
    try it and see if it does” and these the proggy scum went
    nuts to claim it was everything fron snake oil to poison
    to a way for Trump to get rich.
    I despise these hateful bastards.

  6. My governor is not on that list. Historically haven’t all tyrants claimed they were doing it for our good. Well, our collective good, they were always evasive about being for the good of the individual.

  7. This will all be litigated. I want to know where governors grant themselves executive order authority to suspend my constitutional rights.

    This is still America. If I know the risks, I should be able to put MYSELF in danger.

  8. I sure wish people would quit saying Oklahoma is one of those states. We are locked down and every single day another city says following the orders of the Governor and CDC we are enforcing curfews, must have proof you’re essential or traveling to a doctor, grocery store, pharmacy or drive-thru restaurant, stores must do curb side pickup or enforce 10 person and 6 foot social distancing rule, now they’re starting to enforce cloth masks if you’re outside your home.
    In addition our Attorney General has came out and said violating the Governor’s executive order is a misdemeanor. So really hard to say it’s all recommended if you can be charged with a crime.

  9. Good for our small government governor (Gary Herbert – Utah), now if we can just get our HUGE government senator – Pierre Delecto to mind his own bidness…….

  10. Here in Maine, our nanny governor, Jammitt Mills has pretty much shut everything down.
    With almost half the population clustered in the southernmost 7% of the entire area of the state, the ridiculousness of this whole thing is just mind boggling.
    The one bright spot is that now we know exactly who the tinpot dictators will be when the shit really hits the proverbial fan.
    Take aim good patriots, and keep your powder dry.


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