Smart Cat – IOTW Report

16 Comments on Smart Cat

  1. I had a cat that played fetch better than any dog I’ve ever had.

    One day after scarfing down Easter candy and making a small foil ball with the wrappers I noticed the cat batting it around with her paws. That lead to tossing the ball and she’d come back with it. We made several of her favorite “toys,” and she’d hunt them down and drop them in our lap. For hours on end. We could get her to do pretty much anything by leading her with a foil ball, especially jumping. She loved to jump. My arms were always scratched up from constant play.

    She had full access to go outside and shortly after getting a dog she ran away. The dog mostly ignored her, but she was terrified and couldn’t share the space. Poor thing, I miss her.

  2. I cleaned the cats litter box this morning. Gave him his wet food for the day while I cleaned his dry food and water dishes then filled them. Put his toys away and vacuumed the hair off the carpet and washed the nose prints off all the windows.

    Cats are smart.

  3. My wife is Russian and Russians love cats. She couldn’t have kids, so her cats are her children. She has two Maine Coons and a Manx. She waits on them hand & foot. I like them, too. They are pretty awesome.

  4. All kinds of cats seem to be very athletic. Strong hind legs give them excellent jumping power, as seen in the video.

    A Florida Panther (not a hockey player) was video’d jumping across a 15-20 ft. wide canal from a crouching position. One leap. Impressive.

  5. My daughter and son-in-law and their cats are staying with us while their house is being restored after a fire.
    I play with the cats quite often (and sneak them treats).
    I think I am going to demand visitation rights when the kids move out.

  6. Good video Claudia!

    And what the heck is with you Hunter?
    By the way, I am a hunter. With real guns and everything.

    Yes, that’s a veiled promise.

    Beachmom, he was responding to one of those spam accounts using our names (they used your name, this time). It was removed, so you couldn’t see it! Hunter’s innocent!!! Well, for that, anyway! HAHA – Claudia

  7. A Hollywood animal trainer once observed that if you want a dog to learn five tricks, you’ll need five weeks.
    If you want a cat to learn five tricks you’ll need five cats.


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