Smart Crib – IOTW Report

Smart Crib


Ford has created a smart crib is inspired by the movements of their cars.

Many parents drive their infants around to get them to fall asleep – but parents need sleep, too. The crib, called “Max Motor Dreams”, moves to emulate a car’s movements, has speakers to play muted engine noise, and even has LEDs to simulate street lights. The crib even takes on characteristics of your unique car. For now, this is just a concept crib tied to a Ford car promotion.

Here is a picture of a parent that has their baby in the Ford crib, trying to get them to calm down.

(Okay, I couldn’t help it, I had to do that picture.)

Here is the real crib below.

ht/  Mickey Moussaoui

20 Comments on Smart Crib

  1. Goofs! How about spending more time on figuring out how to keep spark plugs in your engines?

    Lol, all kids sleep with movement & SOUND. The car is just another medium that does nothing different than a rocker! Or those springy bounce chairs, worked wonders to shut my two kids up! One even had a battery and an electric motor with a counterweight, g-night!

  2. Bad idea. Only reinforces the need for movement and activity. Kids eventually get tired and go to sleep, they need a calm quit place to do so. Also, some kids sleep best after crying for a little while.

  3. anyone ever heard of ‘rock the cradle’? …. ‘rock a-bye baby’?

    … guess this automobile stuff is a ‘new’ concept

    there’s a sucker born every minute

  4. I dunno what happen. New battery terminals, sprayed a can of brake cleaner, filled brake fluids & atf, gave her a gallon of antifreeze and a quart of blinker fluid and the damn kid won’t wake up now!

  5. I could have used something like this with my oldest. For a while there it seemed the only time he’d fall asleep was driving in the car.

    Eventually I figured out the sound of running water would put him out too. Specifically the shower: We’d put him in his little carrier on the bathroom floor, next to the closed shower stall with the water running, and he’d zonk out in just a few minutes. The wife and I spent a lot of time that first six months passed out next to him on the bathroom floor.

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