Smart Meters, Watching Our Lives – IOTW Report

Smart Meters, Watching Our Lives

CFP: Under the guise of climate change advocacy which pretends to save the planet from a non-existent anthropogenic global warming, people across the globe have been forced by utilities and their governments to accept smart meters as readers of their electricity consumption. I called these smart meters in my book, “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy,” drones attached to our homes.

un 1

Smart meters are being deployed without debate and without the informed consent of homeowners. They inspect homes 24/7 through several pulses a minute and without a warrant, over-bill, cause home fires, result in environmental and health problems, are vulnerable to hacking, and data obtained from such smart meters are sold to third parties without homeowners’ consent.  more

12 Comments on Smart Meters, Watching Our Lives

  1. Just add them to the very long list of the other subversive elements foisted on us by our fellow humans! I have come to the conclusion my fellow citizens that none of you are smart, wise, honest, moral or charitable enough to be my elected leaders. This kind of story just adds to that impression. Time for us to clamp down on the power (governmental, financial, political and diabolical) that corrupts absolutely!

  2. Actually just the first step. They put one on my house and when I look at the report of what is using electricity – they’re guessing still. Attributing some use to appliances i don’t even own.

    The next step must be requiring all new appliances to be “smart” and communicate to the provider. No doubt – ON and OFF will be the first controllable functions available to them remotely. Maybe just OFF.

    One of my most liberal customers physically prevented the Elec Co. from installing one for years. I keep telling him he’s more conservative than he thinks. He even once tried to put “preppers” down. We then had a talk about his garage being filled with food, heating supplies, etc – in other words, he’s prepared for hard times. This guy should awaken at some point. He hasn’t won a point yet when he regurgitates lib talking points. Facts keep slapping him down. Facts from his own life.

  3. Just like anything else that’s labeled “smart.” It becomes more of a pain in the ass and complicates the lives of everyone involved. Think for a minute how much less complicated your life would be withOUT smart phones, smart cars, smart meters, and the like.

  4. I’m not hooked up to the grid, or cable or telco line.
    I don’t watch tv and I have several gas wells and make my own power.
    The only internet I have is ATT data on a smartphone.

    THE UN IS UN- American

    I hope Trump decides to get rid of the UN

  5. “During peak usage, the utility company can turn off the power several hours a day, adjust the thermostat from afar, or turn off entire grids in an “emergency” situation when they run short of electricity. It is too expensive to build excess capacity storage facilities.”

    All of this is being done and has been done without smart meters.

    As a matter of fact, manual load dumps are an integral part of the North American grid security and stability plan. Load dumps have always been part of the plan, and they have absolutely nothing to do with smart meters.

    I’m a certified grid operator. Don’t put too much energy into smart meter conspiracy theories. There are much bigger fish to fry.

    When your lights go out during an extreme load situation (very hot.very cold) be sure to thank Obama for making fossil fueled power plants impossible to operate under current and future environmental plans.

  6. Nah! He’s just a garden variety hypocrite! He will castigate the people who warn about the UN and other disasters that are coming up but when push comes to shove, he is “prepared” to shove. Get it!

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