Smart@ss Libstain Teacher Stomps on American Flag In His Class – It Didn’t Go Well – IOTW Report

Smart@ss Libstain Teacher Stomps on American Flag In His Class – It Didn’t Go Well


Lee Francis, a Democrat who recently challenged a U.S. Rep. in a primary on a “revolutionary” platform, was  reportedly trying to “teach” his students about the “1st Amendment freedom of speech,” when he decided to do it by defacing an American flag right in the classroom.

Francis decided to “destroy” a flag he brought into class, according to one student on Facebook. He tried cutting the flag with a pair of scissors, and when that didn’t work also looked for a lighter or pack of matches, apparently to burn the flag.

When unable to obtain these items, Francis then reportedly threw the flag on the floor and stomped on it.

The incident happened Monday at Massey Hill Classical high School in Fayetteville – home to Fort Bragg and one of the most patriotic communities in the nation.

And when some of those military kids saw what Francis was doing they immediately acted, grabbing the flag away from him, and removing it from the class — and one of the students took a picture that quickly hit social media, where outraged parents saw it:

Above: Francis reacts to angry students after he stomps U.S. flag in class [Facebook]

“What that teacher did was a gut punch to all the military kids at that school,” one angry parent told The Fayetteville Observer. “More so to the ones with deployed parents and unforgivably so to Gold Star kids who lost a parent who fought under that flag. It is indefensible.”

Francis faced immediate consequences. On Tuesday he was removed from the classroom on “administrative leave.” As the Observer reported:


30 Comments on Smart@ss Libstain Teacher Stomps on American Flag In His Class – It Didn’t Go Well

  1. Why doesn’t Francis the Talking Mule’s Asshole simply leave the country if if it is sooo damn bad?
    I dare him to find another place on the planet that will give him more opportunities and freedoms than right here.
    If I were King I’d tell him he’s got two weeks to identify his “Utopia”, pack his shit up and go!

  2. Good for those kids, standing up and doing that. Yet another discussion I can have with my kids at the dinner table tonight…..what they should do if teacher A does this…..

    Seems the examples I can use to teach my kids keep right on a rolling…

  3. figures his black ass failed at trying to cut up the flag as well as burning it.

    trying to start a fire in a public school? really?

    typical liberal failures blaming America for their failures.

    i’m getting tired of this liberal disconnect with the American people. your failures are not our fault!

  4. This raging mental case was armed with a scissor and then went looking for gas and matches to light a fire inside a structure filled with “for da chirrens”….

    He needs to have his teaching credentials revoked and to be wheeled one floor above Hitlery so he can get some “rest” too.

  5. And he is probably surprised that for the first time in his life he is being held accountable for his actions.

    Walking on eggshells around any “protected class” has begun to change with straight-talking Trump. Our freedoms are coming back.

  6. If I stood in class and called him a ungrateful (to his country), stupid nigger would that be free speech, or would that be “yelling fire in a theater”.

    There are teaching moments and his choice, was not one of them.

  7. If the feces flinging bonobo really wanted to provide an object lesson about the 1st Amendment, it should have brought a Confederate Flag to the classroom in order demonstrate that displaying that flag is protected speech.

  8. Why is this even a 1st amendment issue?! The guy acted recklessly and exercised beyond poor judgement trying to light a flag on fire in a classroom of kids? I’m sick of the 1st amendment being tossed around by liberals to try to give credibility to their ridiculous unpatriotic behavior.

  9. Had he tried that when I was a student, he would have been found beaten to a bloody pulp with numerous dislocated joints and broken bones, by the next class to occupy that classroom. It would have been gratifying to see one of the students step up and knock the skinny little shit right the fuck out.

  10. This is what 4 years at a teachers college gets us. FOUR years of indoctrinating skulls full of mush to be sent out to indoctrinate younger skulls full of mush.

    Immediate firing is in order, revoking teacher credentials, sent back to picking products off the line at Amazon.

  11. If I ever see something like that happens, where some lib shitstain starts desecrating the flag, and then asserts he has a 1st Amendment right to free symbolic expression, I’m gonna to grab the flag and assert my 1st Amendment right to declare that the flag should never be desecrated. Then watch as the shithead threatens to have me arrested

    At which point I’d say “Go ahead, here’s the number.”

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