Smashing the social construct of male and female – IOTW Report

Smashing the social construct of male and female

21 Comments on Smashing the social construct of male and female

  1. Haha! That’s been one of my go to arguments for years.

    Why do garden hoses have two different ends?

    Why do extension cords have two different ends?

    Why do I have to insert my bread into the toaster?

    However, recently there’s emerged a new phenomenon. Gay mobile device power cords. A dick at each end, but they need 2 cunts to work.

    Some smarmy goof one day will ask me, How do you know they’re not male and anus receptacles?

    I’ll consider crushing their face before I realize they’re just not worth it.

  2. Is that the result of female to female or male to male or male that was female to female that was male or male that was female to male that was female or female that was male to female that was male or another 56^56 ways?

  3. True story,
    Today I hear a bunch of banging from the basement.
    I listen closely and hear it again. Sounds like someone is in the house. I grab my gun and check the security cameras, nothing on the cameras. Check the windows and see someone in dreads and a security vest perched up close to the house with a toolkit. I run out, open the fence and say, “Hey MAN, what are you doing?”
    and this chick with full dreads turns and says, “yo, what up?”
    I instantly apologized, “Whoa! I mean woman!”
    She was cute in a weird way.

    She was putting on a smart gas meter.
    Fuck sake.

  4. rules to live by:
    righty tighty; lefty loosey
    red touch yella’ kill a fella’
    6″ wire lead in a box
    6″ take-up on 3/4″ 90 conduit bends
    1900 box is the same as a 4″x4″
    green is ground; white/grey is neutral
    always lock out … tag out don’t mean shit
    .5 milliamps can kill … 480 volts tickles like a muthaphucka
    when hand-racking in 15kV breakers …. hurry the phuck up!!!
    Fleming’s left-hand law still applies
    bad boys only rape young girls but violet gives willingly
    schematic diagrams should always flow from action to reaction
    ladder-logic diagrams are a bad compromise … but work
    avoid closing under a load; arc flash is hard to see, but you sure can feel it
    when hand-closing 69kV Air Gaps … hurry the phuck up!!!!!!!

    thinking back, I can’t remember how many times I worked under a load … guess I was very lucky … & stupid
    worked on elevated tanks, microwave towers, 120′ force mains, live 69kV yards, 1200 hp motors under load, sewage bar screens, hi-speed waste grinders, incinerators, high-speed centrifuges, reactors, chlorine gas cylinders & injectors, flocculators, ejectors, dams, scum conveyors, alum injectors, etc.
    survived 40′ falls off scaffolds, trench collapses, crane rollovers & bucket ejections, 48″ main explosions, high-rise construction collapses (Bailey’s Crossroads, Va back in the ’70’s), sewage floods, incinerator explosions, electrical shocks too numerous to catalog, blinding by arc flashes while opening high-voltage covers for inspection … blinding & burning by low-voltage breaker removal from distribution panels, being thrown across the room by opening panel covers, prying fellow electricians off of live gear w/ an 8′ 2×4, breaking toenails off by inattentiveness with a tamper, getting ‘sunburned’ from working on creosoted 100′ light poles, working in 96″ mains that were so dark you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face, falling off a standpipe, grasping for a handhold, only to survive because somebody decided to weld a hook on the side of the tank, erupting 48″ water pumps

    the funny thing is, when most of that happened we just looked at each other, laughed & said, “well, that shit didn’t work!”
    (boy, am I in a nostalgic mood … or what?!)


    Damn! Impressive resume’. I dont do electricity

    *** “well, that shit didn’t work!” ***

    Ours was…. ‘Good idea, but it didn’t work worth a fuck’

  6. Molon
    Buried deep down inside that impressive resume,are many nuggets of a life well spent. Included are a few pure diamonds for those who understand the lingo. As for me, I sure miss the banded days of resistance.(get it).
    Violet was an 8 out of 10 in my book.

  7. “I’d like to smash whoever invented the word ‘social.’”
    Ugh. I know. And the word ‘journey’. Everything people do now is a damned journey.

    “My recovery journey”, “my youtube channel setup journey”, “my flu journey”, “My hair growth journey”,”my re-hydration journey”, “my journey journey”, “my journey through 80s music beginning with Journey”, “My name is Journey and this is my journey”.


  8. “High rise construction collapses”. Seminary towers. Used to be an airport. You can see the Washington monument from high ground/buildings. And you are not welcome if you are not Muslim.


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