Smells a Little Musky in Here – IOTW Report

Smells a Little Musky in Here

ht/ jethro

14 Comments on Smells a Little Musky in Here

  1. I know I’m repeating myself but worked with a guy that had a guy throw up who was stuck on a sissor lift with him.
    Sometimes he’d come into the area you were working and ask you a stupid question.
    Then he’d walk away having you scratching your head.
    For about 15-20 seconds.

  2. If you can wake up you liberal neighbors with thekm, you have an ASSet worth developing.

    (Otherwise, go lactose-free and don’t forget to give up cheese.)

  3. Yep, we had a guy at work supposedly had a steak and a 6 pack every night for dinner but he would drop some silent but deadly farts. They were eye watering. I told him he should see a doctor, it weren’t natural.


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