Smokey Turns 80 – IOTW Report

Smokey Turns 80


Smokey Bear — a mascot that was inspired by the true story of a black bear who was rescued from the top of a tree after a forest fire in New Mexico — became a national symbol for wildfire safety in America.

On Aug. 9, a U.S. Forest Service character that the bear inspired turned 80 years old.

The Sabino Canyon Visitor Center threw a party the next day, drawing in both adults and their kids from across Tucson to celebrate the mascot’s 80th birthday. More

The U.S. Forest Service did a promotional titled “Little Smokey” back in the 1950s featuring Hopalong Cassidy meeting the actual Smokey the Bear, in captivity. If it seems a little off putting remember, the short is of its time. Watch

Smokey ended up in the National Zoo in D.C. until his death in 1976. He pasted down his role as wildfire spokes animal to his adopted prodigy “Little Smokey” who continued on until 1990.

14 Comments on Smokey Turns 80

  1. Unfortunately, Smokey and his handlers inspired a couple of generations of forest fire zealots who worked to put out ALL fires, especially those needed to thin out overgrown areas that are part of the health, natural cycle. SOME forest fires are GOOD, you jerks!

  2. Uncle Al
    Te problem is there are homes every where now. Loggers use to do one hell of a job keeping the Forest floor clean. If I had your email I’d send you some amazing pictures of a fire that just about took my daughters house. Lucky for them they kept it contained to the next canyon over. By the way the little fawn didn’t make it. She was playing with a cat one minute, stone cold dead the next. I’ve read the little guys are almost impossible to keep alive when they leave their mothers.

  3. Brad, I’ve been wondering about that little fawn. That’s too bad. However, had your daughter successfully rescued the little guy some no good government agency would have made her pay a price for her effort.

  4. Joe6
    The fawn was fading fast when she first gave her self up to my daughters daughter. She was fading fast and Willy suggested something that actually kind of popped her out of the slump. Like I say, she was playing with a cat one minute and dead the next.
    My daughter was born and raised down here is suburbia. However my mother was an Iowa farm girl with a ton of stories about life on the farm. I swear that little girl listened to every one of them. Her son and daughter have been entering hogs in the 4H thing for the last couple years. This year her daughter entered a steer. She took first place in the county and is now moving up to the next level.

  5. It’s Smokey THE Bear. Always was, until some bureaucrat in DC decided he should be “Smokey Bear”. Spent a fortune of taxpayer money to change all the promotional materials.


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